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4 Strategies for getting 10 (at least) more referrals each month


We all want them

We all say they produce the BEST clients.

Then why don’t business owners invest more resources into a robust referral system?

Great question Jafar!

Most entrepreneurs have this stinkin’ thinkin’: “I give great service, my clients should want to refer me!”

I used to have the same thought.

But I was wrong… Yes, it is vitally important to have great service and a great product. But that is not enough.

Remember, it is not your clients job to remember you, it is your job to remind clients of your existence. You, as the business owner, may think about your business every minute of every day, but your clients don’t.

That’s is why, in order to have a referral system that really works, that really generates referrals, you need a referral system.

I have 11 referral strategies all working at the same time in my businesses, generating nearly 50k dollars every month.

The best part? (Aside from the killer dinero?) They all ruin on auto-pilot.

Would you want to know more about it?

Well, you are in luck.

Tomorrow, June 29th, 2021 at 1:00 PM EST I will be doing a live mini training revealing at least FOUR of those referral strategies. (More if I have time)

During this 30 minute mini-training, you will get strategies, that if implemented, WILL bring you more clients.

This will be an “all meat, no side dish” training. In order to get it done in 30 minutes, there will be no fluff.

So if you want to learn these 4 referral strategies , you can reserve your spot here:

Remember, you won’t profit unless you implement,

Vance “Disney Guy” Morris

P.S. Since the event is live, I will hang out for a few minutes after for a quick Q&A

#customerservice #customerexperience #smallbusiness #clientexperience #entrepreneur #patientexperience

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Author of the book

Systematic Magic,  7 Magic Keys to Disnify Any Business

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