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A lot on my mind after these customer experiences

I never knew that thinking could be such hard work, said a new client yesterday.

I may have erred in allowing this client into my world, we’ll see.

Right now I have a little Chad Lawson Trio playing holiday tunes, somewhat soothing my mind.

Vince Guaraldi is next on the ol’ turntable

I hear you shouting “Get tot the point already, Vance!”

Sheesh! Keep your bloomers out of a bunch!

In no particular order, here is what is on my mind today:

  • FILE UNDER: EMPLOYEE COMMUNICATION AND EVERY DETAIL EITHER HELPS OR DETRACTS FROM THE EXPERIENCE: I recently tried to get the mailing address for my franchisors parent company. the receptionist answered pleasantly, but when I asked for the mailing address, she said I was not calling the right number. Huh? Exasperated, she placed me on a 2 minute hold, presumably to go outside and look at the number on the building so she could give me the address. “What is this in regards to?” she asks after the hold. ” I want to mail you a letter! (Duh!, I did not add). Hold please. after another 2 minute hold she comes back on the line and says “Call this number, they can help you” and hangs up.

Question to you…. Do you ASSUME your employees have the information to do their jobs? Ya might better check! If I were a prospective client, this experience would have shaken my faith in the company.

  • FILE UNDERENTER THE CONVERSATION ALREADY IN THEIR MINDS: A bit of marketing assistance for you. Tis the season! If you ever struggle for “reasons why” to contact your list, this time of year provides ample opportunity to, as Robert Collier put it “Enter the conversation that is already happening in their minds“. Did you run a Black Friday, Small Biz Saturday or Cyber Monday promotion (notice I did not say sale)? But if you decide to run a sale, make sure you don’t go broke doing all that selling.

If you have not read Robert Colliers Letter Book, it is a must read for serious marketers. It is like a mini-MBA in copywriting.

  • FILE UNDER: MARKETING ASSET: What is a marketing asset? It is a campaign, ad, radio spot, FSI, etc. that whenever you deploy it, it works. Every year for the past 12 years, I have run two of my MARKETING ASSETS shown here: Both of these mailings have well over a 20:1 ROI. ROI = Return on Investment. Here is how that works in dollars: For every dollar I spend on the mailing, I get $20 in return.

If you have an ad that has worked in the past, do you run it again and again and again……? That would be a marketing asset. You may be bored with it, but your clients or prospects are not. Your ONLY measure should be RESULTS from the ad. Would I run an ASSET with a 3:1 ROI? You betcha!

  • FILE UNDERFOCUSING ONLY ON PRICE: every 2-3 weeks, I get a postcard from a local Insurance company. It is 99% focused on CHEAP, PRICE. And what happens when you only focus on price? Especially low price? It is a race to the bottom. Does being 2nd lowest give you any marketing advantages? And NO, they do not have marketing assets, as I get a different card each time.

What does “cheap messaging” get you? Cheap clients. I often hear my members and clients complaining about their customers. “They’re so cheap!” “They always want a discount!” Well, geez, I wonder why THAT is? You got the customer. You have no one to blame but yourself.

  • FILE UNDER: DOING IT RIGHT!: DSNi Alliance Cast Members Alan & Cheryl Eschenburg (brother / sister duo), at my urging, have been sending a print newsletter through the mail. YES! A real piece of paper, in a real envelope with a postage stamp (Google “postage stamp” if you have never heard of this incredible object) and delivered via USPS (no they are not out of business). Alan’s last report to me was that the newsletter has been a smashing success for client retention. (Alan & Cheryl are in the highly competitive hair care industry,

Maybe Vance DOES know what he is talking about!? Alan admits it was difficult to start the newsletter and it went through a few iterations before turning into a beautiful piece that WORKS. While I did suggest they do a newsletter, it is their entrepreneurial qualities that bro and sis have that is instructive: Mainly Stick-to-it-iveness, tenacity and overcoming frustration.

Do you have a newsletter? I would love to see it.

Do you have a marketing asset? I would love to see that too.

You can attach it to an email or send to my Eastern Shore office at 219 Broadway, Centreville, MD 21617

Remember, you won’t profit unless you implement,

Vance “Done thinking for the next 30 minutes” Morris

#customerservice #customerexperience #smallbusiness #clientexperience #entrepreneur #patientexperience

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Author of the book

Systematic Magic,  7 Magic Keys to Disnify Any Business

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