From Vance Morris
Announcing the all NEW Ultimate Mastermind AND

Elite Training Program For Business Owners 

The DSNi Alliance 2023

Dear Rising Business Owner,

For 2023, the DSNi Alliance Mastermind for Business Owners presents a great opportunity to get direct, hands-on help in taking your business to new heights, at a faster pace of progress.

Elevate your business and life through memorable experiences.

Successful businesses and wealthy business owners all have one thing in common; coaches and mentors.

And even if you're a bootstrappin' entrepreneur.... you need this too!

You need BOTH coaches who can give you fresh ideas & inspiration, and peers who can encourage you & hold you accountable.

The problem is most masterminds are blind leading the blind “one-up” fests and most mentorship programs are guru-driven ego-fests where the leader is more interested in being worshipped than in actually helping you grow your business and achieving YOUR goals.

That is why I created the Alliance where together with like minded business owners we will help you overcome your challenges, celebrate your successes and 10x your business.

It is strictly limited to no more than 18 primary participants so you need to consider the opportunity presented here NOW.
This is the most complete and powerful program I have ever offered, appropriate for both intermediate and advanced business owners; (no newbies) with established revenue ready to move up to 6-7 figures and a more sophisticated business,

DSNi Alliance Mastermind 2023 offers an unmatched collection of business growth and success resources, training, networking, mastermind work and support. 

During the course of the 12 months…


Every DSNi Alliance Member gets their business dissected, examined, worked on, with focus of their choosing, in an extended “HOT SEAT”


SUPER LABORATORY! benefits from the probing of each other’s businesses, marketing, challenges and opportunities. Looking “inside” up to 15 different businesses using different business models, sales methods and media is a great “accelerator” of your own knowledge – and certain to produce “Ah-Ha!” moments: gee, why aren’t I doing THAT? Hey, I could add THAT! etc.


Special “How To” Workshop Sessions are prepared to meet the needs and interests of the Members. This is in-depth Training CUSTOMIZED for this Group each session!


THREE MASTERMIND+WORKSHOP LIVE & In-Person MEETINGS spaced during the year, led and facilitated by Vance. Vance has led niche mastermind groups, has built his own niche-industry and coaching business successfully. He is well-versed in offline, online and integrated media, and he’s relentlessly practical about ‘What REALLY Works.’ I am THE GUY to take your business to its next level! And, of course, there is the benefit of drawing on up to 14 other business owners minds and experiences. These meetings are 2-day meetings, that are both ‘Hot Seat’-driven, and customized tailor-made Training specifically for the group.

How much could just one session with one piece of advice from Vance be worth?

“We went from 15 to 150 clients in our daycare in six months –using Vance’s methods of client attraction and client experience.”

Tiffany Shafer, Childcare Center

”An additional $65,000 a year off of just one of Vance’s ideas”

Chris Harper, Carpet Cleaner



Two Programs In One

You want value and efficiency.

DSNi Alliance Moustermind 2022 delivers both

You need strong guidance, expert advice and customized, personalized answers.

DSNi Alliance Mastermind 2022 encompasses all that.

You want to STEP ON THE ACCELERATOR – it’s time to shift gears, and make your info-marketing business become a strong force in its market, and a major income producer for you. From slow start-up, from sideline enterprise, from one-person show to a real business with 6-figure or 7-figure profits.

DSNi Alliance Mastermind 2022 is engineered to erase speed limits.

To take your business to its next level, you need advanced INFORMATION, elite TRAINING and real-world, high success EXAMPLES & CASE HISTORIES. In 2022 DSNi Alliance delivers exactly that, from the Training and Workshop Sessions exclusive to the Alliance Meetings, the Comprehensive Copy Critique and the Q&A Calls.

The Almost Mystical Power of ‘MASTERMIND’

The power play is Multiplied-Intelligence, member helping member fraternity, and even deal-making and resource sharing among members: the original Mastermind- Concept put into practical application. Napoleon Hill, author of the classic Think And Grow Rich popularized the term “master-mind”, and explained it as he learned it from his era’s greatest inventors, industrialists and entrepreneurs including Edison, Ford, Firestone and Carnegie: Bringing together of multiple minds focused on the same creative purpose and process thus creating an additional mind, a master-mind, drawing on and synthesizing all the participants’ knowledge as well as ‘universal intelligence’ available through the subconscious. On a more pragmatic level, virtually all mastermind alliances, from those that Hill encountered to present-day include “deal making” and resource sharing. You will be a part of a carefully assembled mastermind alliance of forward- thinking, upwardly-mobile info-marketers, each bringing different experience, knowledge, contacts and resources to the table. There IS something almost “mystical” when the creative process within the group is “clicking.” You CAN actually feel the energy in the room – and breakthrough ideas and realizations do occur as if out of thin air.

Extremely Valuable Training Only Vance Can Provide

It is common to see a single training seminar in this world carrying a fee upwards from several thousand dollars – but these TRAINING SESSIONS may be of much greater value to you, because their subject matter will be chosen based on the diagnosed and stated needs and interests of you and the other Alliance Members. You set the curriculum! These Sessions are custom prepared exclusively for this DSNi Alliance members, based on group feedback and input. So it is not canned training.

You can easily make the case that this Training Package could, itself, carry a price tag of $15,000.00.

There is also the mastermind value. Three focused, facilitated meetings with a like-minded group of forward-thinking and innovative business owners / marketers in varied fields, categories and industries….strong at different aspects (maybe weak at different aspects)…each running their own experiments and tests and initiatives, sharing those results….each bringing different “discoveries” of strategies, resources, solutions to problems.

THIS IS A WAY TO VASTLY SPEED UP YOUR ACQUISITION OF EXPERIENCE. On top of that, the stimulus and spontaneous, unexpected “light bulbs” that only come from looking under the hood of MANY info-businesses, contributing your probative questions and ideas to each one. THIS IS AN “IDEA EXPLOSIVE ENVIRONMENT” unlike any other.

Mastermind groups offering only this experience are often priced at $25,000.00 a year and more. Joe Polish even has a $100,000 mastermind.

DSNi Alliance Mastermind is the equal of TWO $25,000.00 programs. A $50,000.00 fee value.

Of course, it should be much more valuable to you than that, in moving your Business to the Next Level. If, just as an example, a new and additional “unit of business” worth just $5,000.00 each can be strategized for your business, it would require a mere 10 of those sales to recoup your Alliance investment. On a daily basis, it equates to $91.00, probably obtainable simply through price adjustments in your present business or strengthening one small thing, like a one-click upsell. However you look at it, a $50,000.00 Alliance fee is reasonable and easily justifiable. But…

You will likely be pleasantly surprised that the Alliance fee is not $50,000.00.

In fact, it is only $18,000 with discounts available to reduce it to as little as $15,000 (if pre-paid). (Refer to Application for details and options.)

DSNi has been The Great Incubator for some of the most powerful breakthroughs in the entire experience-marketing industry, like the 10-10-10, WOW Package and personality based writing. THE VALUE OF PARTICIPATING IN ALLIANCE AT THE RIGHT TIME IN YOUR DEVELOPMENT AS AN ENTREPRENEUR far, far, far exceeds the investment required!

Again, here’s EVERYTHING that’s included:

EVERY Alliance Member gets their business worked on in an extended “HOT SEAT”

“SUPER LABORATORY!” Looking “inside” up to 15 different businesses using different business models, sales methods and media.

Special “How To” Training Workshop Sessions CUSTOMIZED for this Group!




DSNi Inner Circle Cast Member membership is included: Twelve Mouster Classes; taking a deep look at one service or marketing strategy, Monthly group coaching calls, Vance Morris’ Wealthy Business Report, Bi-Annual Marketing Plan, Business Growth & Goal Analysis (value $1428.00)

The complete Ultimate Client Experience and Ultimate Patient Experience programs, PLUS: Client Attraction Blueprint, Client Multiplier Blueprint, Accelerated Revenue Blueprint, Rescue Blueprint: Lost Clients, Alarm System: Soon to be lost, Ultimate Swipe File, Pricing for Profits Blueprint, Million Dollar Company Blueprint. (Value: $2,500.00)

Next years trip to Walt Disney World is included! Yep, more training, more tours and of course more fun. For as long as you are an Alliance member or on the DSNi Masters Council, my annual event at a Disney resort is included. Value $5,000.00

Bluntly, nowhere but at DSNi can you participate in such a COMPREHENSIVE, MULTI-FACETED AND VALUABLE PROGRAM. 

Also, bluntly, a warning: there are “Johnny-come-lately” folks setting themselves up as “marketing gurus” – but only parroting what they’ve heard from others and with personal, successful experience very limited. There are also “new leaders” who’ve basically grabbed someone else’s coat-tails to rise to some prominence, but who, again, actually have very limited experience, and have enjoyed success thanks to others doing the heavy lifting. Then there are the “history professors” – they haven’t been in the trenches doing it for years, when even a year creates enough change to antiquate know-how.

I’m telling you: BEWARE. Place your trust thoughtfully and carefully. There is no greater and more current central clearinghouse of activity, information and innovation in creating profitable client experiences than DSNi. If you want CURRENT and HISTORICALLY SOUND, REALITY-BASED information and assistance, you simply cannot do better than DSNi.


Decide whether or not you belong in the Alliance

If You Are “On The Fence”…

….that’s no place to be! The enclosed APPROPRIATENESS ASSESSMENT FORM may be of help to you in determining whether or not you should join Alliance 2022. But the main deciding factor should be your degree of seriousness about success as you define it, as an entrepreneur. You can get only so far by study alone, only so far in isolation. The #1 way people make big leaps up and forward is through facilitated association with other info-marketers and direct coaching. So, if you are truly serious about making a big leap, then Alliance is for you.

You certainly can’t doubt or question the value. You can only question yourself and your ability to convert everything provided to action, to business progress, to financial gain. And we have brought all the elements critical to success to Alliance 2022. Frankly, if you can’t get your biz refined ‘n ready, off the ground, or into a greater growth trajectory at faster speed as an Alliance Member, you just can’t, period.

The very nature of business almost uniquely provides for this kind of a program costing you nothing. In a year’s time, if a business processes a mere 1,000 buyers, it needs average only $41 more in value thanks to all the information, ideas, strategies, examples, case histories, mastermind group contributions and coaching. If a new top-of-the-pyramid can be added at, say, a $5,000 price point, the first 2 sales recoup Alliance. IT TAKES SUCH A SMALL “TURN OF THE SCREW” to pay for ALL the exciting benefits of Alliance that you just can’t let the fee stand between you and your participation in this elite group and dynamic experience!

Only one thing is certain: your biz won’t grow in isolation. Without access to diverse yet focused input from the ad-hoc advisory board implicit in mastermind, advice from a skilled leader and advisor, insider information and examples, you are left only to your own devices.

Entrepreneurship is often lonely! No ‘civilian’ understands. Ordinary business mentors or peers aren’t qualified to contribute. This is a very, very small investment for a pass-key to come in out of the cold!



It’s important to apply IMMEDIATELY, to prevent being locked out, as the Group will be filled with the first qualified applicants, then closed.

You may complete and submit the Application by hitting the big yellow button below..

TURNING POINTS in business lives present themselves. Different people make different choices at different times – often saying “yes” and moving forward on paths they feel uncertain about. Donald Trump talks about trepidation about TV, yet still deciding to step into the ready-made mastermind alliance that ‘Survivor’ producer Mark Burnett offered has proven as fruitful as any single decision in Trump’s entire career. Tony Robbins went from doing small seminars in small-market hotels and laboring in obscurity to epic fame and fortune by stepping into the readymade mastermind at the Guthy-Renker Corporation. What these and so many others have in common is: saying “yes” to an opportunity, an opportunity backed by extraordinary mastermind alliances. You now have a similar opportunity: an invitation to join a mastermind alliance. Your “yes” here may not enrich you at the Trump level or lead to fame akin to Robbins’. But one thing is certain: your “no” can’t bring any gains.


Rank EACH Item in its importance to you, 1 – 5, 1 = of little interest or importance, 5 = of great interest and importance

A. Do you consider yourself intellectually curious, teachable and coachable?(Required)
B. Are you able to translate, apply and implement ideas and information and examples from diverse sources?(Required)
C. Do you have experience, expertise, knowledge, contacts, resources of potential value to other members of the Alliance Mastermind?(Required)
D. Are you committed to upward and forward movement during 2022 – growing and expanding your existent business or launching and taking a new business to (at minimum) 6-figures?(Required)
E. Exclusive insider information, strategies, examples and ‘trade secrets’ from DSNi’s own business’ marketing and operations, including items NOT seen by all members.(Required)
F. Customized training based on your and other Alliance Members’ needs and input. This may include DSNi methodology for online and/or hard product development, event planning and marketing, contracts with event sites and celebrity speakers, member retention and ascension, online launches, joint ventures and affiliate relationship management, finance, legal, and more…..(Required)
G. Advice about your business from a highly experienced and successful entrepreneur with both niche and mainstream background, success in multiple niches, strong offline and online knowledge, and current “in the trenches” involvement directing the marketing and operation of a real bricks-n-mortar business.(Required)
H. Networking, fraternity, information exchange and potential alliances with other like-minded, progressive business owners.(Required)
I. Six exclusive Conference Calls with Vance, for Alliance & Master’s Council Members only, devoted only to business issues and questions(Required)
J. Opportunities for visibility for yourself and your business within DSNi media and events because of your status as an Alliance Mastermind Member(Required)

You have ranked EACH item from a low of 1 to a high of 5. If all items ranked 5, the highest possible score would be 50. If all ranked 1, the lowest possible score is 10. Any score LESS THAN 16 should be disqualifying. A score HIGHER THAN 25 virtually mandates participation – Alliance is obviously “made for you!”