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AOC, Ford, Facebook, Liquor Flavored Toothpaste

Class is in session. The Captain of the Business Jungle Cruise (me) takes the helm. Keep your heads and arms inside the boat at all times while the ride is in motion.

As you can tell by the subject line, there is a lot going on in the world. And it all impacts you. Don’t worry, I will guide you through the perils of our crazy little world.

First up, Facebook could be in big trouble! If you rely on Facebook as a lead generation source or a way to communicate with clients and prospects, you will want to pay attention.

This week, the WSJ is running an investigative report that shows Facebook actively and knowingly gives celebrities and politicians special treatment, allowing them to flaunt and ignore FB’s rules.

Zuckerberg has testified before Congress, that FB treats all of its 3 billion users equally.

Pluto Poop!

In an internal FB program known as Xcheck, influencers like soccer star Neymar, Trump, Trump Jr. and even Doug the Pug, are allowed to ignore FB’s posting rules. And because they are ‘whitelisted’ by XCheck, bypass all of the FB algorithms designed to prevent exactly that. Neymar was even allowed to keep a post up that was considered ‘revenge porn’ against a former girlfriend. “Non-consensual intimate imagery” is grounds for immediate post deletion according to FB’s user terms. Unless you are protected by Xcheck.

AOC is up next….Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez AOC is also protected by Xcheck. She is also protected by the 1st amendment. But jeez-louise, The dress she wore to the Met-Gala had “Tax the Rich” painted in red on white fabric.

She looked like a bunch of PETA terrorists got her with spray paint.

Now I have nothing against PETA, the 1st amendment, AOC’s choice of dress or taxes. But why should I be taxed more harshly than anyone else? I have no problem paying my share, but to be vilified as evil, that is going too far.

No one is preventing someone who is economically challenged from improving their lot in life. Rags-to-riches stories abound! Get up off your arse! They can even learn and get trained for free! Just shuffle over to the big building filled with books that is found in just about every town.

No not an Amazon warehouse… The library.

The Ford Motor Company dealerships are also in deep Pluto poo! Recently Ford announced that it is moving to a marketplace where buyers will customize and order their cars online, thereby making car sales people obsolete. The dealership would be relegated to just a place to pick up your car and get it serviced.

Or Ford could just deliver your new car to your home or office like say…… Carvana?

Interestingly, this announcement came at the exact same time that inventories have plummeted and dealer lots are nearly empty due to production delays. Hmmm.

Finally, the marketing world has lost a legend. Donald Poynter died last week at 96. What?! You never heard of him? Come on, man!

The inventor was known for self-propelled golf balls, talking toilet seats and bourbon flavored toothpaste.

One of his most profitable inventions did nothing.

Introduced in the 1950’s, The Little Black Box retailed for 5 bucks. It was a box about 3 inches high with an on/off switch on the top. When you turned it on, a little hand emerged to turn the switch off. “It really does nothing” Poynter stated in an interview.

Except make him rich. Over 7 million were sold.

What do these news stories have to do with your business?

Altogether now!


Facebook: Hold your marketing accountable and trust no media until it has proven its worth. (Media here is radio, TV, online, postcard, NOT CNN versus Fox). Pay to play is centuries old. Ever run an ad in the newspaper and wonder why the Nail Salon ad has better placement than yours? The salon may be paying for its placement either through longevity or in ad price.

AOC & Poynter: Both are success stories in the rags-to-riches category. Both made millions off of their brands. Both started with nothing more than an idea and parlayed them into riches. And both understand their target demographic, marketing to them with messages that make them buy (or vote)

Ford: There are businesses gone the way of the dodo bird that no one ever thought would die. K-Mart, Sears, Montgomery Ward to name a few. While it may suck to be a car salesman in the near future, the company is adapting to the market, begrudgingly. Never say that you can’t be replaced. remember, If you can be Amazoned, you will be Amazoned.

Remember, you won’t profit unless you implement,

Vance Morris

#customerservice #customerexperience #smallbusiness #clientexperience #entrepreneur #patientexperience

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Author of the book

Systematic Magic,  7 Magic Keys to Disnify Any Business

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