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Be the wizard, Beware the wizard

Dan Kennedy said that.

“Be the wizard, yet beware the wizard.”

Far be it from me to consider myself a wizard. I like to think that I use my powers for good, not evil.

Take for example this email from a DSNi Inner Circle Member (name redacted for privacy) I received a few weeks ago:

I want to thank you for the many kindnesses you have shown Jane. You have made a major impact on her life and the future of our business. I knew when I first heard you speak at the Summit, you were a very special person. There are times you hear presentations that are sugar coated for the majority of the people. You spoke direct and honest and didn’t tone things down for the people who can’t quite handle the truth.

I’m not sure Jane would have coped if it were not for your constant reminder to remember what the future holds. I truly believe she would have walked away from this business. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the knowledge you have given her. So much that I tried unsuccessfully to get her to do (ideas from your presentations) but I wasn’t the right messenger at the time

Please let me know when her membership expires as we want to renew. It sounds as if you have a new program coming out. I would like to know more information about it. Again, I have the utmost respect for you and thank-you for igniting her passion for our business.

I thought long and hard about including this snippet and making it public given its personal and heartfelt nature. Obviously, I decided to share it.


To illustrate that we all have power.

Power to do good in the world

Power of words, power of suggestion, power of influence. Power of persuasion. Power used appropriately for good and in the service of others.

It is said the difference between manipulation and persuasion is intent.

There are many charlatans and bamboozlers spouting miracle cures, shiny objects and quick fixes. Manipulating people to part with their money. A flash in the pan.

I come to you with a burning intention to help as many people I can become wealthy. The word ‘wealthy’ having its own definition depending on the person. Wealthy can mean money, sure. But I look at wealth on a deeper level.

I feel wealthy when:

  • I can spend time with my children
  • I help people become wealthy (like Jane)
  • on a whim, I can pick up, grab my wife from work and go have a glass of wine by the beach.

Since my intention is to persuade entrepreneurs to provide exceptional experiences for their clients, and thereby acquire wealth, I have no need to manipulate.

Look, I know that I am an acquired taste. I am not for everyone (nor do I try to be for everyone). I thank my lucky stars every day that I have members and clients like Jane and her boss. Not to put words in their mouths, but they have become wealthy on many levels.

I think they would agree.

Have a wealthy weekend

Remember, you won’t profit unless you implement,

Vance “wealthy and humbled” Morris

#customerservice #customerexperience #smallbusiness #clientexperience #entrepreneur #patientexperience

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Author of the book

Systematic Magic,  7 Magic Keys to Disnify Any Business

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