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Beware the 95%

One of the challenges of being an entrepreneur is that we are constantly surrounded by the EVIL 95%.

  • That 95% that tells you how you should live your life, but have NO basis for their recommendations. They themselves are unsuccessful.
  • That 95% that seems to be late to everything.
  • That 95% that wants to blame everyone for everything bad that has happened to them in their pathetic little lives.
  • That 95% that says “I can’t afford that book”, but has 3 TV dishes on their roof. and every Call of Duty or Madden X-box game ever invented.
  • That 95% that complains they don’t have time, as they waste away watching reruns of Gilligan’s Island, brushing the orange Cheeto dust from their shirt as they stumble to get another bag.

Jim Rohn famously said that “poor, unsuccessful people have big TV’s, wealthy/successful people have big libraries”.

Successful people, those in the 1% are the complete opposite.

  • That 1% who is early to everything
  • That 1% that takes responsibility for themselves
  • That 1% that knows the value of readin’ writtin’ and ‘rithmatic. Doing all they can to move forward.
  • That 1% that manages to find the time to do what is important

I have been thinking a lot about this the past few weeks as I traveled across the country speaking to different audiences. Those on my DSNi Boot Camp were ALL in the 1%. (even the person that couldn’t come at the last minute)

But the business owners in many of the audiences were definitely in the 95%; watching YouTube or checking Facebook while speakers were on stage.

And don’t get me started on the weak bladders!

I stood in the back of the room waiting to take the stage and was deluged by weak bladders. My left arm is now a full foot longer than my right due to opening doors for attendees to run to the potty.

For crying out loud! If the speaker on stage can hold his pee for 45 minutes, can’t you?

Maybe if they had stronger bladders and sphincters they would be on stage teaching instead of running to and fro.

Now, if you have been wondering, “Gee Vance, your math sucks, you missed 4%” fear not Jafar, I am getting there.

That 4% is like no-mans-land.

Purgatory, if you will.

I call them the “working on it” 4%.

  • They are not poor/unsuccessful but are not wealthy/successful yet.
  • They invest in themselves professionally and personally, but slide back into Maury Povich shows.
  • 80% of the time they take responsibility, but still blame “bad luck” when things go awry.
  • They are usually on time, some times late, sometimes early.


Since you are a DSNi Cast Member, I know that you are at least in the 4%, but tend to slide back to the 95% way of thinking and may peak into the 1% thoughts and habits.

Hey, I get it. Happens to me sometimes too (like binge watching Shameless), we all need a break every now and then.

But the mission critical thing is how quickly do you bounce back to your rightful place among the 4% or 1%ers?

Are you losing crucial time, resources or ideas because you decided to have that extra beer or whiskey on a Wednesday night instead of maybe… say… club soda?

You MUST be ever vigilant if you want to achieve and maintain the 1% status.

I can help you with that vigilance by upgrading to the DSNi Inner Circle.

And since it is Disney World’s 50th Anniversary, I decided to throw in over $1,200.00 in bonuses. You can check it out here: CLICK HERE FOR INNER CIRCLE

But don’t dilly dally, the bonuses disappear at midnight on 10/15/21.


Remember, you won’t profit unless you implement,

Vance “Bladder of steel” Morris

#customerservice #customerexperience #smallbusiness #clientexperience #entrepreneur #patientexperience

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Author of the book

Systematic Magic,  7 Magic Keys to Disnify Any Business

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