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Despite tsunami warning, Trump flocks to ocean

When does human stupidity end?

Nursery school? Grade school? High School? PhD?

Apparently, stupidity only ends when you are dead.

After a volcano erupted a couple days ago, tsunami warnings were posted for the the entire west coast of the US. Instead of evacuations and people flocking to the interior of the country, to say…. South Dakota, these numbknuckles (not trump) ran towards the ocean!

  • there was a siren
  • A text alert
  • The Emergency Broadcast System interrupted your regularly scheduled programming “This is not a test!”

Every emergency alert at the governments disposal was implemented. 1000’s of lives would be saved! Except the government forgot one thing.

The stupidity of a broad swath of Americans, including, but not limited to: bankers, computer techs, the unemployed, plumbers, socialites and recent college grads with useless degrees in ‘library science’ and ‘liberal arts’.

Notably missing from the hoards of imbeciles and morons were my DSNi Cast Members (that’s you). You were busy marketing, serving and creating experiences for your prospects and clients…. right?

Please tell me I am not going to see your face among the dull witted and empty headed tourists!


I didn’t think so.

By now you are thinking….

How is Vance going to transition from tsunami chasing dunce-like nincompoops to a client experience or marketing lesson?

Great question, glad you asked.

I am not really sure…..

……. Give me a sec…….

Well, I suppose this is a great example of ‘compelling‘. Of which your marketing needs to be.

What is compelling?

  • A car wreck. Every chump driving by has to slow down, crane their neck and view the carnage, even if the wreck is on the shoulder and there is no wreckage blocking the travel lanes. The only thing blocking is travel lanes is peoples psychotic need to look for missing limbs.


  • The Monica Lewinski scandal. For those of us of a certain age, Monica, Clinton (Bill not Hillary) and that damn blue dress were all people could talk about for months (or was it years?)


to force: to force (someone) to do something. : to make (something) happen : to force (something)

That is what your marketing should do.

Force people to read/watch/consume.

Trump did this. And did it magnificently.

Now this is not to say that what he was saying and doing was….. well…. presidential…..\

But is was compelling

  • Crotch grabbing = compelling. That video was played ad nauseum
  • Playground name calling = compelling. Sleepy Creepy Joe, Low Energy Jeb, Wacky Bill, Crooked Hillary, Leakin’ James Comey, Broken Old Crow.
  • Trumps stories = compelling. Whether he’s speaking at a small roundtable or in an arena filled with thousands of people, Trump is able to connect with everyone through his remarks. Many times, those remarks include personal anecdotes from his past (regardless if they are true or not)

There is no one better at being able to connect with their audience than Donnie Boy..

Love him or hate him, your marketing must be trumpian.

It must FORCE your prospects to take notice and then connect with them on a personal level.

Remember, you won’t profit unless you implement,

Vance “how did I get to an email about trump?” Morris

P.S. Join my private Facebook Group Customer Experience; Disney Style Join the “experience economy and discussion”. Ask questions… It’s where the cool kids hang out

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Author of the book

Systematic Magic,  7 Magic Keys to Disnify Any Business

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