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Elephants, Trump, Beer for all Americans… What could go wrong

Today’s news feed is a marketers dream for headlines and promotion ideas. Heck, I just used them.

I know many of you struggle with ideas for email subject lines, headlines and offer generation. Well, you don’t have to look any further than your news feed.

Just look what popped into mine today:

  • America’s largest beer company will buy the country a round if it hits Biden’s July 4 vaccination goal
  • Elephant herd razes 500-kilometer path of destruction after escape from China nature reserve
  • Trump shuts down his blog after less than a month
  • 9-year-old driver and younger sister, who told police they were driving to California for a swim, unharmed after crashing into semi in Utah

Trump shuts down blog after elephant herd razes path of destruction stampeding from Utah to California to get to free keg party!

See how easy that is?

Remember the viral Go-Pro video from a few years ago? The one where a seal slaps a kayaker with an octopus? (Just Google it. YouTube still has it up)

I created an entire promotion for my carpet business centered on the headline “Seal slaps man with octopus”.

Contest time!

Reply to this email with the best headline you can dream up from TODAY’s news stories. Please include:

  1. The headline
  2. The actual news headlines used to create your headline
  3. How you plan to use it in your business

Submit to me by noon 6/4/21 EST. The winner will receive a DSNi prize pack valued at… priceless.

Remember, you won’t profit unless you implement,

Vance “Since Budweiser is buying, I’ll pass on the beer” Morris

#customerservice #customerexperience #smallbusiness #clientexperience #entrepreneur #patientexperience

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Author of the book

Systematic Magic,  7 Magic Keys to Disnify Any Business

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