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Experience Culture | Client Experience

Experience Culture Drives Profit

I can now see why Chick-Fil-A is blowing the doors off of McDonald’s financially. At last check the average McDonald’s store revenue is $1.2 million versus $2.4 million for Chik-Fil-A.

I was taking one of my kids home from a swim meet this past weekend and as a reward for making the cut to go to the district meet, told him he could pick where we had lunch.

Being a Sunday, Chik-Fil-A was out of the question. (They are never open on Sundays). So he decided on McDonald’s. (See above revenue numbers!).

When we arrived, the line for the drive through was at least 12 cars deep. And it was creeping along at a slug’s pace.

I had never seen a line like that, ever, at a fast food place. I should have gone inside to place the order, but I had already committed to waiting in the line. It took a painful 17 minutes to get to the squawk box to place our order.

This is going to be painful…

As soon as I pulled up to the little box, where every voice sounds like the adults in a Peanuts cartoon (won wa wa wah, wont wa wah wa), I realized why the line was moving so slowly.

The employee said “hello”. But I guess I missed it the first time he said it, so I sat there in silence waiting for him to cheerfully greet me. Nuthin’.

“Hello?” I said.

“Hello” he said.


“Hello?!”, I said with a bit more force. I was going to make him greet me or at least ask for my order..

His retort? “Hello”

So I tried “Hola”


My son was now being entertained and was actually paying attention to the exchange. I know this because he took the earbuds out of his ears.

Now my son got in on the action, “Hello”.

“Hello” was the response from the attendant.

After about another 30 seconds of this, I had worn the employee down and he said in his most uncheerful voice “What do you want?”

Sigh! At least I won that round, and placed my order.

What’s this pathetic exchange have to do with your business or practice?

All together now! EVERYTHING!

I wish the above encounter was a figment of my imagination. It wasn’t.

Let’s contrast this with Chik-Fil-A. Every time, and I do mean every time, I am always greeted with “Welcome to Chik-Fil-A, how may I serve you”? At the end of the order process, I am always thanked with a sincere, cheerful “My pleasure”.

Now I know McDonald’s does not train their employees to just say “Hello”.

So how does Chik-Fil-A beat the burger out of McD’s?

The guest experience (and of course the food).

They have an “experience culture”. They have systems and training to create the “experience culture”. They have beaten the commodity label and attained price elasticity through the experience they provide their guests.

Are you a Therapist in a sea of Therapists? A Dentist in an ocean of Dentists? A Contractor on the high seas of Contractors? A [insert your profession] in a [insert large body of water].

What are you doing to beat the commodity trap?

This months Mouster Class gives you the strategies to break free of the commodity chains and gain price elasticity.

In fact, I prove to you mathematically, without a shadow of a doubt, that you can triple your prices,, lose 65% of your clients (and headaches) and increase your profit!

Become a Founding Member of my DSNi Inner Circle, and you will get these strategies and much more. But do not delay. Once this Mouster Class goes to the printer, you will not have another chance to get it.

Remember, you won’t profit unless you implement,

Vance “I can say hello in 9 languages” Morris


Like What You Have Learned So Far?


Author of the book

Systematic Magic,  7 Magic Keys to Disnify Any Business

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