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Fauci claims ‘Lion King’ defense for killing sex toy

I absolutely love people who rise to a challenge.

I love them more when they have a creative solution.

On Thursday, I showed you how to “newsjack”. Take today’s news (enter the conversation already happening in their minds) and use it for your business.

Well DSNi Inner Circle Member Carla Young did a fantastic job of taking the days headlines and using them to promote her “10-pt copywriting guide”

HEADLINE: Fauci claims ‘Lion King’ defense for killing sex toy:

Original headlines used to create Carla’s creative headline:

  • Fauci emails show his flip-flopping on wearing masks to fight Co.vid
  • New Mexico mayoral candidate interrupted by sex toyed on drone, punched at event
  • Florida man claims ‘stand your ground’ defense for killing an iguana
  • Toddler’s morbid ‘Lion King’ birthday cake depicts Mufasa’s death

Ideas abound everywhere for creative (but don’t get too cutesy) ideas. Take the challenge

I dare you.

Remember, you won’t profit unless you implement,

Vance “Loved the cake” Morris

P.S. Carla will be receiving a DSNi prize pack valued at ????

#customerservice #customerexperience #smallbusiness #clientexperience #entrepreneur #patientexperience

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Author of the book

Systematic Magic,  7 Magic Keys to Disnify Any Business

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