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Happy 50th Birthday Walt Disney World

50 years ago on 10/1/1971 Walt Disney World opened in Orlando, Fl.

And as we all know, Disney knows how to throw a party. The atmosphere, merchandise and parks are really decked out for this birthday. This party will go on for 18 months.

And for the 50th anniversary, they did not turn Cinderella Castle into a pepto-bismal pink birthday cake, as they did for the 25th. Disney lost a lot of money in 1996 when a bunch of brides cancelled their weddings at Disney ’cause they didn’t want THAT castle in the background.

It is really nice being here for this celebration. Yesterday I walked around Disney Springs, their open air shopping center.

The shops there all open at 10 am. At 915am one of the stores carrying the 50th anniversary merchandise had a line at least 300 people long.

Only at Disney.

Where else can you go where people line up to give you money?

They are also MASTERS at extracting money from your wallet and leaving you happy (but penniless).

And they continue to hone their craft. Creating raving lunatics, I mean highly engaged guests. But people really are nuts about Disney. Remember my article about 3-drag-queens-and-a-300-pound-tinkerbell?

But I digress…

Just when you think you have every Disney pin, they issue a special one for

  • the anniversary
  • new movie
  • new character.
  • a tree

Really, just about any reason to create a special unique LIMITED EDITION pin, will be used. And Disney lunatics/fans/engaged guests just can’t get enough.

They HAVE to have it

At any cost

How about you?

Do you have an anniversary season? Maybe a month? Maybe longer? A reason for people to visit you or buy from you again?

Do you constantly hone your craft?

Do you have raving fans that will buy just about everything you offer?

Do your clients wait in long lines just to give you money?

Would you like to learn how?

Just reply to this email with “I am interested”, and I will get you the info.

Remember, you won’t profit unless you implement,

Vance “check out the pink castle here” Morris


#customerservice #customerexperience #smallbusiness #clientexperience #entrepreneur #patientexperience

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Author of the book

Systematic Magic,  7 Magic Keys to Disnify Any Business

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