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How can you sell to people who never contact you?

Well, duh, you CAN’T

That’s why your marketing MUST do the heavy lifting for you.

Let your marketing deliver eager, qualified prospects to your sales funnel. But here’s even worse news.

Competition today is more fierce now than it’s ever been.

How many competitors do you have right now in your business?

Because that’s how many choices your prospects have… and that’s how many additional businesses they have to sift through and filter through as they attempt to reach a buying decision.

Most prospects are so busy these days that most of them start their buying process by researching online.

But here’s the sad reality for businesses that are advertising online.

They spend a ton of their time… and a ton of their effort and money… just to get prospects to their website.

And guess what their prospects see when they get there?

The same old, lame junk like “service, quality and dependability” that they saw in their lame brochure before the Internet was invented… as well as the same lame junk that all their competitors have on their websites.

These businesses then curse their high bounce rate… and they try to figure out how to get better-qualified traffic to visit their site.

The reality is that they’re probably already getting enough qualified traffic to their site… but they fail to realize that it’s their lame website that’s not converting their prospects that’s the real problem.

Look, I am not an SEO expert, nor a web developer, and if you have been a cast member for some time, you know that technology and I have a tenuous relationship.

But I do know a thing or two about marketing.

I learned from and studied the most adept minds in marketing: Dan Kennedy, Eugene Schwartz, Joe Polish, Ben Settle and of course the Disney company.

I got so good at this marketing thing that I was the longest reigning Marketer of the Year at GKIC from 2015-2018, it would have been longer, but they stopped having the competition.

This Thursday at 4:00 PM EST I am presenting a strategy session on how to attract your ideal client, guide them through your sales process and close them without having to close them.

This will be a paid training, but ridiculously affordable at just $28.


This mini-marketing-Mouster-Class will banish the PITA’s into the nether regions of the world. Let your competitors have them. You don’t need or want them.

But don’t dilly dally, this is a LIVE Mouster Class and I am only doing it once..


Sign up here: What-If-Everything-I-Learned-Is-Wrong

Remember, you won’t profit unless you implement!

#customerservice #customerexperience #smallbusiness #clientexperience #entrepreneur #patientexperience

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Author of the book

Systematic Magic,  7 Magic Keys to Disnify Any Business

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