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Ideas are not like apples

Yesterday, I went a bit woo-wooey on you about the power of a master mind. In case you missed it, you can check it out here:

But then a few DSNi members wrote to me to say, “That’s great Vance, but what the Donald Duck are you talking about?”

So let me try this tact: Let’s say you have an apple and I have an apple. If we trade apples, you still only have one apple and I have an apple. Nothing really changed.

But let’s say that you and I both have an idea. If we exchange ideas, then you have two ideas and I have two ideas. That is, you have your original idea plus mine, and I have mine plus yours.

If we add a third idea to the mix, we each have three ideas, and so on….

Now that is power.

That is the power of the mastermind.

A mastermind accelerates 10x the “How To get From Where You Are to Where You Want To Be“. Getting you to your goals more simply, more profitably and a hell of a lot faster than on your own.

Or to give you a sports analogy: You may not be familiar with a business mastermind. But, we’re all familiar with the concept of coaching for athletes. Behind every great athlete is an invisible coach. Someone who took the raw talent and was able to refine and channel it into the winning edge.

  • A coach produces focused action…
  • A coach provides accountability…
  • A coach brings discipline, insight, experience and speed…
  • A coach brings out the greatness in you.

The concept applies to any endeavor worth pursuing. Research the background of any top entrepreneur. Many invest a king’s ransom for access to top-level advice and guidance.

They also participate in high-level mastermind networks. Surrounded by other sharp, like-minded entrepreneurs, they are held to a higher standard. During the mastermind, they are pushed to new levels of success. They trade secret resources with fellow members giving them all a huge advantage over their competition.

The number of stubborn business owners who REFUSE the help of a coach amazes me. It seems they’d rather do it all themselves. And in doing so, they miss the obvious and end up creating a “job” for themselves rather than the freedom and financial independence they deserve.

Have you ever heard of an Olympic Gold Medal winner that didn’t have a coach? Of course not! And if gold medals were handed out to top entrepreneurs, you’d find the same.


As a DSNi Cast Member, you have prioritized access to a strategy session with me. You see, I won’t be offering it to the unwashed masses until next week.

******I am NOT selling anything on the strategy call****** It is just a chance for us to see where you are in your business and where you want to go. And of course, how to get there faster and easier.

I can’t bite you through the phone, not will I beat you senseless with my copy of Think & Grow Rich. My goal for the call is for you to have better clarity about where you are going and how you are getting there. If Alliance can help and you qualify, great!

If the Alliance is not for you, then at a minimum you will have gotten a 15 minute coaching call at no cost, and you are still better off than if you had never made the call.

Schedule it now, before you forget: .

BTW: 8 of the 15 slots are already spoken for. It is time to be decisive.

But don’t dilly dally..


Remember, you won’t profit unless you implement,

Vance “The new and improved Napoleon Hill” Morris

#customerservice #customerexperience #smallbusiness #clientexperience #entrepreneur #patientexperience

Like What You Have Learned So Far?


Author of the book

Systematic Magic,  7 Magic Keys to Disnify Any Business

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