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Ladies dancing shocked & awed by the lords a leapin’

Ahhhh….. those lords a leapin’

The song never does tell us what exactly they were leapin’ over.

So, using my imagination, let’s say they leaped over those dancing ladies.

Upon looking skyward, those ladies were in shock at what they saw and awed by…. umm….. well….. their lordiness.

Those 10 lords were in a class of their own with their lordiness.

But there were 10 of them and only 9 ladies dancing.

One lord was left out, kinda like musical chairs.

But you see, only this lord knew how to dance. The other lords only leaped. He was in a class of ONE!

He had all the ladies lined up to dance with him.

When you are in a class of one, there is only one choice for a particular product or service… YOU and YOUR BUSINESS!

To reach this enviable position requires focused work and smart marketing. It also requires you to do a lot of little things right. I am going to focus on a “little thing” EVERYBODY reading this can use in their business to rise above the competition and thrive.

But before I share this special technique, I want you to know it doesn’t matter if you run a local pizza shop, own an online business or are the Chief Marketing Officer of a Fortune 500 company, this strategy works! I’ve used it for my clients and my own business and still do today.

It’s the attention-grabbing, positioning power of the shock & awe package!

If you’ve never heard of the term “shock and awe package”, it’s credited to Dan Kennedy who has been a proponent of instructing business owners to create an impressive package of stuff that is sent to people who want more information about your product or service.

Whereas most business owners do as little (and cheaply) as possible when somebody requests information from them, shock and awe marketing takes it to a higher level.

The concept behind a shock and awe package is to create a benefit-laden package or kit that is so unique-looking and full of useful content the recipient has no other choice but to notice it and (if done right) engage with it.

Personally, I’ve used shock and awe packages for my own businesses and for those of private clients and while Dan Kennedy is a proponent of creating lavish, often expensive packages, I’ve been able to get great results without spending lots of money.

There are two obvious ways you can use a shock and awe package in your business. You can create one that is designed to be sent when a person requests information about your product or service or you can create a kit that is sent when a person becomes a new customer/client/patient.

Let me offer some insight on each…

Shock and Awe Packages for Lead Generation

Hopefully everybody reading this is a student of direct-response marketing and the principle of getting people to raise their hand and give you permission to market to them.

For years, business owners have offered all types of “carrots” to get people to respond to their advertising and marketing. Often times what they send in response is weak and unimpressive.

Instead, consider how you can create an information kit that is unlike any other. One of the first things I would suggest is to give it a cool name and use this name in your marketing.

This is what my friend and fellow marketer Mike Capuzzi did for an information technology client several years ago during a lead generation marketing campaign he created for them.

He sent a multi-step direct mail campaign offering them the opportunity to receive a free “Disaster Prevention Kit” (whose picture we featured prominently throughout the campaign). The kit was sent in a Priority Mail box and it contained a custom-branded attaché case full of client-focused information to help them choose my client as the premier choice in information disaster recovery.

This particular kit included, among other things, a testimonial book, a guarantee certificate and a special response offer to try out the system. It also contained a sealed bubble envelope that was only to be opened in case they felt disaster recovery was not a critical issue. Inside it there was another letter and a flashlight and deck of cards (to be used “when the power goes out”). All told the entire kit cost less than $30.00.

Over the course of the campaign, we sent out over 100 kits that resulted in a number of new clients for my client. The kit was a huge success!

Want that kind of success?

This Mouster Class is about creating a “Shock & Awe” experience for your clients. Chock full of examples, templates and blueprints, this Mouster Class is all you need to begin using this powerful marketing tool.

Get it here: 12 Days


But don’t dilly dally, this Mouster Class goes into the DSNi vault at midnight on 1/5/2022.


Remember, you won’t profit unless you implement,

Vance “I took ballroom dancing in college to meet ladies” Morris

P.S. I got an email from DSNi Inner Circle Cast Member Allen Eshmoili, a Physical Therapist from Canada, who has this to report:


What a whirlwind since our conversation.(I had a consulting call with Allen, a benefit of being a DSNi Cast Member)

The short of it..I’ve been implementing AND profiting.

I’ve redone my shock and awe. Instead of a plain brown envelope stuffed with literature and promo material mailed to the new clients, I’ve handed them a gift bag at the end of the session (stuffed with literature and promo materials, neatly in a folder) but also scented candles, books/words games, chocolate, ‘calm’ tea and small exercise equipment they need, as well as something more personal, (like guitar picks for an aspiring musician).

A hand written note follows in the mail.

Right now I am selling more packages, for more money, with higher commitment levels (more visits), all done easier due to the value and trust built up front. I am working less hours,


Great job, Allen! aboslutely freakin’ awesome!

Allen is NOT Lazy.

He is an implementer!

A month ago, he was in a cramped temporary office, working well below his pre-covid numbers.

Now he has a 2 week wait list!

Just look at the last two sentences from his email: “I am selling more packages, for more money, with higher commitment levels (more visits), all done easier due to the value and trust built up front. I am working less hours,”

Want to know how he created and built that trust and value permitting him higher profits?

12 Days

#customerservice #customerexperience #smallbusiness #clientexperience #entrepreneur #patientexperience

Like What You Have Learned So Far?


Author of the book

Systematic Magic,  7 Magic Keys to Disnify Any Business

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