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Maids in a cage


The 8th day of Christmas!

We are done with all of the water fowl, poultry, birds and feathers!

Now before you get your bloomers in a bunch over the subject line, remember, Disney used to have a nightclub at Pleasure Island called; The Cage. And yes, there were cages in the club.

And in the cages were scantily clad Disney cast members dancing there little bloomers off.

And now the eloquent segue to today’s 8th Day of Christmas

If you’re in business to sell your services and products, you MUST be in regular and frequent contact with your current customers, clients, and prospects.

This is known as “Building Your Titanium Cage (others call is a fence or curtain).”

Your cage is designed to keep your clients and patients “IN” and the rabid competition who are insistently trying to poach your herd “OUT”!

In the book, No B.S. Direct Marketing, author and marketing genius Dan Kennedy says:

“My single biggest recommendation is the use of a monthly customer newsletter. Nothing, and I mean nothing, maintains your fence better.”

If you’re a typical business owner, you’ve probably invested a great deal of time, money and energy growing your business. Knowing that it costs five times more to attract new customers than it does to keep (and sell more to) current ones, I have a question for you:

Why has it been months (or longer) since your

customers have heard from you?

Simply put, not being in frequent contact with your customers is killing your business!

Oh sure I can hear the grumbles now… “but Vance, it’s so hard to know how to keep in contact with my client every month… and besides won’t they get sick and tired of hearing from me?”

The truth is “yes” you certainly will irritate your clients and set yourself up for a boat load of frustration in the process if your communication is not done in the right way and does not provide value to the recipient.

But I can also promise you that the answer is a categorical NO when you do things right, provide something of value that is welcomed and follow my advice in this report.


Why do I consider newsletters “magic”?

Well the truth is newsletters are not perceived in the same manner as a postcard, a flyer or other forms of direct mail marketing. When people receive these or anything else that has a sales and marketing feel to it, their guard goes up and they think, “Uh-oh. What are they trying to sell me?”

Newsletters work well because they tend to be read as informational, making them more welcomed when they are received. As such they have higher readership than other forms of advertising. People also tend to be more receptive to what you have to say in your newsletter because newsletters aren’t meant to be sales tools. Rather, they are designed to be a resource.

In one of his No B.S. Marketing Letters, Dan Kennedy put it this way, “People are conditioned to be less resistant to reading information, such as articles, than they are advertising.”

Since people are conditioned to be less resistant to reading information, which is exactly what a newsletter should be, most people read a newsletter with their guards down. This is a HUGE marketing advantage. When your customers’ guard is down, they are open and receptive to what you have to say!

A customer newsletter is the strongest marketing and business building tool available – bar none.

That is the magic of why newsletters are such an effective marketing tool – people don’t realize they’re actually reading something that’s going to cause them to buy from you more often . . . if the newsletter is done correctly (and that’s the BIG caveat here.)


Would you like to discover how to create

a tool like that for your business?

If yes, then take advantage of this eighth day of Christmas promotion!

Newsletter Blueprints gives you the proven formula for creating the most powerful media you can possibly use to grow your business.

  • I lay out the pros and cons of a print newsletter versus an e-newsletter and gives you my surprising recommendations as to the best strategy to adopt.
  • You’ll discover my winning content strategy and how to avoid common mistakes.
  • I’ll even give you the three types of newsletter content and formula for coming up with the ideal mix of each.
  • Plus you’ll receive my advanced strategies that will not only keep your readers reading every month and create a long-term bond with them, but will make them read each issue more carefully.
  • You’ll even get real examples so you can see the strategies in action.

Use the Newsletter Blueprint to strategically develop a powerful tool that will firmly establish you as an expert in your industry while making your prospects, clients, customers or patients feel like they belong to a community.

But don’t dilly dally, this Mouster Class goes into the DSNi vault at midnight on 1/5/2022.


Remember, you won’t profit unless you implement,

Vance “trying to forget my Pleasure Island Days” Morris

#customerservice #customerexperience #smallbusiness #clientexperience #entrepreneur #patientexperience

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Author of the book

Systematic Magic,  7 Magic Keys to Disnify Any Business

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