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My elementary school librarians conniption

By now, if you have not joined the rest of the crazy-hopped-up-on quadruple shot-caramel-machicino’s, you have missed the sales on crap you probably don’t need. Do you really need a 7G-22k-movie-screen-size TV in your tiny living room?

Remember what Jim Rohn, or was it Zig Zigler, said?

Poor people have big TV’s

Wealthy people have big libraries

I would add that the wealthy people have also read the books in their library. (Not just collected the books).

And the really uber-wealthy have taken action on what they learned in those books.

99% of all the books I read are dog eared, highlighted, notes in the margins and otherwise defaced. My elementary school librarian would be aghast. Might even have some sort of conniption or kavelching on the floor.

If the book is particularly bad, I will just tear out the pages with the good ideas and toss the book.

Many of those highlighted, noted and ripped pages become action plans for my business and personal life.

Let’s go back to that wealth statement for a sec.

First, let’s define poor as it relates to business:

  • Own a job, not a business
  • Commodity mindset
  • Insignificant
  • Irrelevant

I can’t think of much else worse than being irrelevant.

Let’s look at wealthy:

  • Own a business, employees do the jobs
  • Experience/Abundance mindset
  • Significant contributions.
  • Relevant to family, friends and community

You see, I have my own definition of wealth and financial freedom:

the freedom to come and go as you please from your business, and participate in it in whatever manner you desire, while the cash keeps flowing into your pockets

How about you? What’s your definition of wealth and freedom?

That is worth pondering.

But once you have pondered your plan, you MUST take action. Ideas without action are insignificant and irrelevant.

You have to do something.

I think I can help you out in that arena

Until Monday at 11:59 PM EST, I am giving away my Ultimate Client Experience Blueprint (you may have heard of it by now?)

It has taken countless business owners and entrepreneurs from insignificance to freedom and wealth (as they define freedom and wealth)

From being viewed as a mere commodity to one of premium pricing


Get it here:

But don’t dilly dally, this months Mouster Class goes into the DSNi vault at midnight on 11/29/21.


Remember, you won’t profit unless you implement,

Vance “Disney Guy” Morris

#customerservice #customerexperience #smallbusiness #clientexperience #entrepreneur #patientexperience

Like What You Have Learned So Far?


Author of the book

Systematic Magic,  7 Magic Keys to Disnify Any Business

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