The ad that generated over a million dollars for my carpet cleaning business...
This was a 9*13 postcard mailed to select affluent prospects in service area of my carpet cleaning company.
Notice the use of "older" images and fonts. Used to evoke memories of my target demographic. It has all of the elements of a classic direct response ad. Headlines, sub-heads, copy focused on the reader, my celebrity and authority, a guarantee, reasons to call now, and an offer.
This is the front of the card:

Back of card

If a carpet cleaner (me) can write a million dollar ad like this, so can you.
In this months XP Marketing Intensive, I will reveal the exact structure of creating million dollar ads. But ya have to be an Inner Circle Member to get it.
In this XP Intensive you will discover how to:
- Create a COMPETITION CRUSHING ad in just minutes
- Compel (FORCE) your prospects to take notice and take action
- Ask the 5 questions of your ad to determine its effectiveness
- Use Dan Kennedy's NEW & SECRET (known to only us Dan Kennedy insiders) marketing equation
- Dominate your market with the 7 Marketing fundamentals
- Get the results you want with the 4 things your ad must do
- Use successful and profitable ads from other niches and adapt them to yours with ease.
- Attract only your IDEAL PROSPECT using Gary Halbert's method for writing a headline
- Use these two 75 year old ad strategies to exponentially increase response.
But don't dilly dally, this months XP Intensive goes into the DSNi vault at midnight on 12/31/22.
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