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My wife was horrified by this

As I was getting ready to leave for this trip to Disney, to present at my friend Dave Dee's S3 Summit, my wife asked me a question: Do you ever read your book reviews on Amazon? I knew where she was going with this, but quite frankly don't care. You see there are a couple of reviews claiming the book was not about Disney, poorly written and sounded like an infomercial trying to sell or get opted into my list. Well DUH! Let's start with the infomercial comment first. That is the biggest DUH statement that has ever been uttered. Of course it is an infomercial. That is why it is called a lead generation book. It has:
  • testimonials from clients
  • A few calls to action
  • and of course the content: Useful, actionable, but slightly incomplete.
What was she expecting? War & Peace? Tolstoy? She also compared me to Dan Kennedy like it was a bad thing. I take that comparison as a GREAT compliment. This was never intended to be a book about Disney, and I never claimed that it was. the title is Systematic Magic; the 7 Magic Keys to Disnify Your Business. She was really hoppin' mad that it was not a Disney book. But why would anyone want to read a book about Disney that didn't adapt their strategies into main street businesses?
  • Does she own a theme park? No
  • Have her own roller coaster? Doubt it
  • Have a stable of movie stars? Probably not.
Then why would she want to copy what Disney does? I show business owners how to adapt the strategies of Disney, not copy and adopt them. Funny thing about her review.... It is the ONLY review she has ever written on Amazon. Another reviewer hated my writing style. What was he, the grammar police? Sheesh! I write like I talk. No fancy words, phrases or gobbledygook. Is it the Queen's English? Far from it. Can you understand what I am talking about without having to think too hard? Absolutely. Finally, the worst way to make money with a book is to actually try to sell the thing. Amazon sends me a whoppin' 40% of sales. Not enough to pay the mortgage, I can guarantee you. But, I can attribute over 1.2 million dollars in "sales" to the book. People buy it or have it gifted to them, opt into my list and then hire me as their coach or consultant Or they have me speak at their conference or convention. My poorly written book got me an invitation to speak to 40,000 people in the U.K. Humpf! Some of the biggest marketers in the world (Ben Settle, Dan Kennedy, Joe Polish, Dave Dee) consistently recommend my book as THE book for Disnifying small businesses. Now those reviews matter.   Don't have a book? No problem. I will gift you last month's Mouster Class "The Blueprint to Writing Your Book in 28 days", so that you can take full advantage of this month's class, Marketing Your Book. In this month's Mouster Class, I give you an easy peasy blueprint to market your book. Over 15 ways to use your book to make gobs of cashola without ever selling a copy. But don't dilly dally, this months Mouster Class goes into the DSNi vault at midnight on 9/30/21. That's tonight!  
Remember, you won't profit unless you implement, Vance "Gramer and speling ain't my midle name" Morris

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Author of the book

Systematic Magic,  7 Magic Keys to Disnify Any Business

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