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On the 4th day of Christmas…. I am done with poultry

True Love!

Yeah, you, over there!

Stop with the birds already.

I have hens, doves and partridges eating me out of house and home.

And the feathers!

Oy! The feathers

And now you dump 4 more birds on me. And to make matters worse, they are calling!

Calling birds calling other birds.

The din is unbearable, not too mention their beaks have cracked my screen!

Recently, I have been interviewing new accounting firms for my four businesses.

I have read so many websites, brochures and listened to sales people that all of the local businesses have no distinguishing features.

They all sound the same.

Amazingly, two firms websites consisted of a picture of the accountants and a button to pay your invoice.

Nuthin’ else

Go ahead… Do a search for yourself and try to figure out what makes a firm an excellent choice.

You can’t. And by the way, you probably won’t try.

You might read the first 1-2 paragraphs, then quit.

You know they are all vague generalizations, not real world examples. Fluff, whispy cobbledygook. No proof, no evidence, no interest. Just words and lot’s of adjectives.

Websites, emails, and letters like these tell your prospects one thing:

They say you are willing to waste a persons time. No message can hurt you more.

Every prospect, whether they know it or not, hopes you will heed the old New England proverb: Don’t talk unless you can improve the silence.

Bottom line: Get to the point or you will never get to the close.

Speaking of the point…

On the fourth day of Christmas, Vance gives to me “Walt Disney’s Sales Secrets”. The Mouster Class includes:

  • 4 ways to eliminate friction (barriers tot he sale) in your business
  • Disney’s friction elimination process (that you can use in your business)
  • 5 Lessons that have enabled Disney to remain the “happiest place on earth” for generations, and how you can copy the strategies.
  • Increase you celebrity status 10x (just like Walt) and your sales by doing this one thing
  • 8 actions you can take to increase your sales right now

Get it here: 12 Days of Christmas

Remember, you won’t profit unless you implement,

Vance “Oy! the feathers” Morris

P.S. Join my private Facebook Group Customer Experience; Disney Style Join the “experience economy and discussion”. Ask questions… It’s where the cool kids hang out

#customerservice #customerexperience #smallbusiness #clientexperience #entrepreneur #patientexperience

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Author of the book

Systematic Magic,  7 Magic Keys to Disnify Any Business

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