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Over the hiss and through the woods…..

Over the hills and through the woods to Grandmother's house we go. I admit, I am a bit ashamed that I have not seen my mother in a number of months. She is getting up there in age and not well physically. Luckily my brother is living with her to assist. I am a bit surprised that there is not more traffic, though I may not be noticing since I am writing this email traveling at 83 mph. HA! Just kidding. However, I am not kidding about NEVER doing a black Friday discount again. Ya see, here is the thing about discounts,
  • They cheapen the brand
  • They train your buyers to WAIT, because they know a better price will be coming along soon
  • They become expected
  • They become predictable
Take Jos. A Bank, a men's clothing store on the brink of collapse. In 2020 they closed over 100 stores, about 20% of their outlets, ana federal bankruptcy filing. If you went in there on any random day, the suits all have price tags of $500-$800. But then you look around, and there are signs everywhere; Buy One get one 1/2 off, BOGO, Buy two get both 50% off... you get the drift. I really don't think they EVER sold a suit at full price! My friend and ace copywriter Daniel Throssell sums it up like this: I once worked with a small family business that had dug itself into a huge hole. They sold high-ticket courses that cost a pretty penny … … but they NEVER sold them for full price. Every single month, like clockwork, they ran a huge sale on their products. It was utterly predictable. And of course … nobody bought outside the ‘discount’ times. Both the customer list and the business had become hopelessly addicted to discounts, like some form of course-selling crack. And so … the owners brought me in and asked for help. My advice? Do a “last ever sale”. The idea was basically:
  1. Do one last, blow-the-doors-off sale
  2. Tell the list that this sale would be the last one ever
  3. After the sale, never discount again
Sounds simple … and it was. As I explained:
  • All the people who need discounts to buy … will buy.
  • And even people who didn’t buy now … would know there was no point “waiting” for a future sale.
  • Plus, anyone who joined the list in future … would never know that sales had ever been a thing.
In other words, a neat solution … in theory. But … Did it work? … … … ha. DID IT EVER WORK It blew the doors off … Permanently silenced people asking for discounts … And restored the courses’ price integrity. That's What I Am Talkin' About!" So I am following Disney's, Daniel's and Jos. A Banks advice. No more discounts. This is my last Black Friday Sale! Just become an annual DSNi Inner Circle Cast Member for just $997 (where you will get two months free) and I will gift you The Ultimate Client Experience Blueprint, a $2,497.00 value. Imagine, having a business where you attract lifetime clients, make more money and have engaged employees all for under $3 a day. If you think you can't afford it, just give up one of your "iced, Ristretto, 10 shot, venti, with breve, 5 pump vanilla, 7 pump caramel, 4 Splenda, [and] poured, not shaken" coffees. Your bank account and your waistline will thank you. Only two more days until this deal is OVER. Get it here
Remember, you won't profit unless you implement, Vance "Disney Guy" Morris

#customerservice #customerexperience #smallbusiness #clientexperience #entrepreneur #patientexperience

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Author of the book

Systematic Magic,  7 Magic Keys to Disnify Any Business

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