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Say it ain’t so Disney. How could you get rid of this guest experience?

Disney is known for many things:
  • Great service
  • Pricy food an merchandise
  • Fantastic stories
  • Amazing attractions and entertainment
  • Looooonnnnggggg wait times
It is that last point that Disney may be the most famous for, or infamous! You wait everywhere at Disney You wait at the airport You wait to check in at the resort You wait for transportation You wait for food You wait to get in the park You wait to get into an attraction It is not uncommon to wait for just about everything at Disney. But Disney has always been hard at work trying to reduce or give the appearance of reducing the amount of time people wait (waste) to do something there.
  • That airport wait? Enter Disney's Magical Express to whisk you off to your resort
  • Waiting at a front desk for your resort room? Gone! Just use the MyDisney App.
  • Need transportation? They have continually added modes of transport; monorails, buses, trains, private vehicles and now gondola's!
  • Wait for food? Extinct! Order food on your app, arrive at the restaurant and eat.
  • Wait to get into the park? Que up the extended hours and park reservations.
  • Wait to get on "It's A Small World". Enter the Fast Pass
No fast pass? Sucks to be you and your kids, Bubba. You will need to wait in line for HOURS with screaming-sweating-deodorant-averse tourists in close intimate proximity with each other. Until now that is... Disney Patent Details Dynamic Virtual Queues That Could Replace Lengthy Standby Lines Wait, what? Yep. Disney may have finally eliminated those lines. From their patent application: One drawback of requiring guests to wait in a queue is the psychological and physical toll that a prolonged wait can impose on those guests. As common experience will testify, waiting in line is at best tedious and, depending on the length of the wait and environmental conditions, may be physically uncomfortable. Well, no duh Donald! This is no easy peasy patent. Each guest in a park will have over 400 data points tracked by a computer in their underground command bunker. Can you imagine not having to wait in line at Disney? What's this got to do with your business? EVERYTHING! Disney does not just rest once is has made an improvement. It keeps searching for a better way to do something. Something that will alleviate guest friction and make them happier. And happier guests spend more. How about you? Have you ever improved a process and then said "Well now, that's fixed" and never return to improve it again? Disney is in perpetual improvement motion.
In September, I am taking a select group of entrepreneurs to Disney World where I will reveal how Disney continually improves its' business. I will show you how to adapt these profit making secrets to your business. These secrets...
  • helped create my $1 million carpet cleaning biz
  • Transformed a dental office into the talk of the town, where the dentist takes off every Friday and works a half day on Wednesdays while increasing sales 17%.
  • Saved a financial planner over 100 thousand smackers in marketing expense annually. Money he used to take 4 family vacations every year
  • Propelled a copywriter/marketer into the top 1% of earners in their industry.
These secrets could transform your business as well. Imagine having the financial freedom to do what you wanted; relax, spend time with your loved ones, travel. You can achieve that freedom by attending my Business Accelerator Boot Camp at Walt Disney World. And you will want to sign up TODAY! I only have 3 slots left! The event will show you how to create an incredible client experience, AND show you how to profit from it, just like Disney. Implementing just one idea can more than pay for this trip.   And as a DSNi Cast Member, one of your benefits is you get a great deal on the event. Just enter the code: bootcamp1000 to save an additional $1,000.00! That means you get everything for a mere 3999.   But ya gotta sign up... Click the link: But don't dilly dally, there are only 3 slots left
Remember, you won't profit unless you implement, Vance "Disney Guy" Morris

#customerservice #customerexperience #smallbusiness #clientexperience #entrepreneur #patientexperience

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Author of the book

Systematic Magic,  7 Magic Keys to Disnify Any Business

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