Attention Professionals:

Give your business the unfair advantage over your competitors.

If you want to...

Attract Lifetime clients, make more money and enjoy engaged employees without working harder
Attract Lifetime clients, make more money and enjoy engaged employees without working harder

This will be the most important message you read all year.

Let’s face it, every business or service has become a commodity. And the only thing that now separates businesses is the experience they provide their customers / clients or patients.

Consumers unquestionably desire experiences, and more and more businesses are responding by explicitly designing and promoting them.

And those companies that provide an experience for their clients or patients will exponentially increase their economic value. Commodity centered businesses that have an undifferentiated market position are forced to adhere to market pricing. (Read: LOW PRICES)

But, businesses that have a differentiated market position by staging experiences for their clients and patients, command premium pricing.


But, businesses that stage experiences for their clients and patients, command premium pricing.


Keep reading to discover how to add 1,000’s of dollars to your bottom line, retaining clients for life and generate 1,000’s of dollars in free publicity, every year. 

$153B is todays value of the Walt Disney Company. What if I could reveal to you how Disney creates that kind of ka-ching and how you could apply it to your business?

What would that be worth to you?

Extract Maximum Dollars From Your Clients and Have Them Happy, Just Like Disney Does, And How I Do Day In And Day Out!

Hi, my name is Vance Morris. I was a leader and manager for Walt Disney World in Orlando Fl. for over a decade!

I’ll introduce my self fully in just a minute but right now, I want to ask you a few questions:

“Vance was instrumental in the redesign, opening and operation of Chef Mickey’s at the Contemporary Resort. Working with the Chefs, Entertainment and other WDW Resort stakeholders, Vance implemented the core Disney Service Standards throughout the restaurant and improved some of those systems for greater efficiency. His understanding of Disney’s philosophies and mission helped create the premier character dining destination at Walt Disney World.”

Charles Henning
VP Disney’s Contemporary Resort
(My Old Boss)

Are you:

sick and tired of being price shopped by coupon-clipping-discount-seeking cheapo’s?

missing out on family and friend time?

done with being treated like a commodity?

down right pissed off that your business is not paying you what you are really worth?

fed up with other businesses in your area constantly trying to undercut you?

doing fairly well and want to take your business to the next level?

If you answered ‘yes’ to any of these, keep reading…

If a carpet cleaner can do it, so can you!

I am an Entrepreneur just like you. I own and operate a real business, an oriental rug and carpet cleaning service on the Eastern Shore of Maryland. I have been in business since 2007 (what a year to start a business, what with the economy imploding!). I have fought, slugged and groveled for more clients using old methods of coupons and discounts.

What did that get me? Coupon-clipping-discount-seeking-cheapo’s.

Rundown house in a questionable neighborhood

Rundown house in a questionable neighborhood

I have cleaned my share of rundown houses in questionable neighborhoods, and while they deserve clean carpet, I did not want to be the one cleaning it. These folks were not going to make me rich.

Now don’t get me wrong, I was managing to make a meager living, but I felt like an employee in my business, not a true owner. And I certainly was not getting rich. I needed to change SOMETHING!

Then one day, as I was driving my carpet van home, I thought to myself, “Self, you spent 10 years as a manager for the Walt Disney Company. Not only do you have a HUGE service background and gobs of knowledge about clients, guests and customers, but you also have the marketing skills to sell at the highest prices in the world.”

Think about it! Where else in the world can you buy a rubber ball for $87 bucks?! (That you can get at Walmart for $4.99). And you know what? You are HAPPY to pay that price! Heck, it is probably the cheapest thing you will buy there.

Back to my thought “Self, you should be getting Disney level prices for your service.” That day I went home and...

Raised My Prices 10%

I didn’t change anything else, just raised my prices.

You know what? I never heard a peep from my clients and prospects about my prices. They HAPPILY paid because I was already delivering Disney Style Service and a huge value. That was in 2010.

(Now I know what you are thinking, “That’s great for you Vance, but I can’t raise my prices 10%. I am already priced high, my market is down, my clients will revolt). Well you can, if you do it the way I show you.

Then I began to think to myself again “Self, if my clients and prospects are paying these prices, I bet they will pay even more for increased service and value.” And I was right! In 2011, I did another 10% increase while adding some value added services and packaging. My best clients and prospects stayed with me and paid.

I implemented:

A $4 investment in my clients and turned into $65,000.

One strategy that generated $1,000’s in free publicity/ marketing

The system for retaining my clients for life

Vance teaches you not only how to apply the “Disney Magic” of service but also how to systematize it.”

Ben Poswalk, Business Owner
Grand Junction, CO

Avoid Becoming The Next Business Fatality

Did you know that in the few seconds it took you to begin reading this, two U.S. businesses died needlessly and two more are about to die from the effects of bad service and marketing?

Did you get the key word in that question? No? OK I will tell you… It is “needlessly”.

That’s right, those businesses could still be helping our economy, but they lacked any semblance of customer or client experience and they stunk at marketing. Maybe they deserved to go out of business. Smarmy employees, no client service systems, no real marketing systems, no focus, no drive, lack of tenacity… The list goes on…

Are you on the road to being one of the 100’s of businesses that failed today? Or are you on the road paved with profits? (hey that’s good, kind of a cheesy analogy, but still good) What road are you on? To find out, answer the following questions:

Two vital questions that you need to answer honestly.
(and a few other questions to make you think)

Question #1: Are You As Profitable As You Want To Be?

Or is your marketing attracting the WRONG client, those coupon-clipping-discount-seeking cheapo’s that make it near impossible to be profitable?

You can have the highest level of customer experience in your industry, but if no one knows about your customer experience, your business will flounder and eventually dies a spectacular death. Your customer service experience needs to be an integral part of your business marketing plan.

Question #2: Are Your Clients Leaving You?

And an even worse question would be, does your service stink so bad that you don’t even know it is driving away your clients? If you have a strong business marketing plan, but dealing with your company is an absolute customer service nightmare, then you are doomed to the same spectacular death.

Better Service + Better Marketing = Great Profits.

(ya gotta say it like the old Papa John’s commercial)

That’s right. I was attracting BETTER clients. Those with nicer houses… Those with more income… (willing to spend it with me) Those with cleaner houses that were EASIER for me to clean.

I was also eliminating the price-shopper-discount-seeking-cheapo’s. Which was fine with me, since they had some of the dirtiest, grimiest carpet and upholstery.

A few last questions…

Have you tried get rich quick courses and classes, only to be disappointed?

Are you ready to make a change that will increase your profits?

Are you ready to shed the baggage of a ho-hum-I-will-get-to-it-tomorrow business and transform it into a profitable service powerhouse?

Are you ready to create the business and lifestyle you desire and deserve?

Are you ready for a business that will provide the autonomy to work when you want, with the clients you want and enjoy the income and time you want?

I have packaged my service and marketing magical experiences just for you. You will discover all that I learned about creating experiences from my 10 years as a manager and service trainer at Walt Disney World and 25 more years in the hospitality industry.

This ground breaking system is designed exclusively for professional services and provides the foundation for advanced marketing and client service strategies. You will develop a service and marketing plan that will let you command the highest prices in your industry.

Why is it ground breaking?

Great question, glad you asked. This is the FIRST service and marketing blueprint program designed exclusively for professional services. It was designed and tested by a small service business owner, me and other businesses have profited from it as well.
You will get strategies proven to increase the profitability of your business. I guarantee that you will make at least 10x your investment in this program if you implement the strategies that I reveal.

You will discover and learn:

  • how to sort and filter out the coupon clipping cheapo’s so that they never bother to call (and waste your time).
  • how to build a business with a Disney Style Service System with my Systematic Magic
  • how to focus your marketing to a defined affluent target market that can afford your service AND be happy to pay for it.
  • how to insulate your business from your competitors and make them irrelevant
  • how to package and bundle your services at prices you never dreamed of (even in this economy)
  • how to build a sustainable and automated marketing system with the Systematic Magic blueprint

Who is this not for?

Probably the best question! I only work with people who are ready to take massive action.

  • I only work with “real businesses”. If you are selling get rich quick schemes or other black hat tricks, I am not for you.
  • I have no mamby pamby slick little quotes like some these other so-called experience & marketing guru’s.
  • I am not a social worker, therapist nor psychiatrist.
  • I do not work with whiners, complainers or doubters. You must be ready to think about how you do business from your clients point of view.
  • I cannot get you to stop smoking, lose weight, or exercise (though you should consider it).

There are many so-called marketing guru’s out there schlepping overpriced untested programs designed to make you “get rich quick”. Many of them have never WORKED in a bricks and mortar business. Can you believe that? They are offering marketing and service systems without ever testing them to see if they work.

Well, I have tested, used and proved successful all the strategies in Systematic Magic, in my business and that of my clients. Plain and simple, they work.

If, just if, you are ready to discover, with an open mind, about Disney Style Service, Pricing and how to market your business, I am your guy.

Newsflash: If you can be Amazoned,
you will be Amazoned.

We all have competitors in our industries. And you need to separate yourself from the mediocre, slothful competitors .

The ONLY thing that will separate you from the competition will be providing a level of service only found at a Disney Resort or Theme park.

You absolutely NEED this if you want to be in business 5 years, 10 years, and 15 years from now.

Otherwise, your customers will have a 1-3 year lifespan at best. And you constantly have to keep working and working to get more CUSTOMERS into your pipeline.

And you know how it goes. It’s getting harder and harder to get customers every day…and every year.

Advertising costs have gone up greatly in the past 5 years. Customers are more fickle. And each person has many options when it comes to whom to do business with.

But guess what? There’s only one YOU. And it is absolutely CRITICAL to implement Disney-style service and business practices in your own business.

It doesn’t matter if you’re manufacturing buggy-whips, creating eBooks about underwater basket weaving, or helping men in the United States marry Russian brides. This is for you if you have clients or customers

Why You Should Not Delay

The longer you wait to create an experience out of your service or product, the longer you will be frustrated with your profits, frustrated with one-and-done clients and frustrated with a team that can’t (or won’t) deliver.

What if your worst competitor is reading this right now? You will be madder than heck as his business skyrockets and he takes your hard earned clients or patients.

I have been in your shoes

As I mentioned earlier, I own a business on Main St. I have had my share of crappy clients. I have lost money on get rich marketing schemes. And I have had really crappy employees.

But today, thanks to creating experiences for my clients and employees, based on my Disney knowledge and the secrets of their operations, I have a business that runs on auto-pilot, generates profit far above the industry average, and clients that stay, pay and refer.

There are 1,000’s of Dollars at Stake

Let's face it, every business or service has become a commodity. And the only thing that now separates businesses is the experience they provide their customers / clients or patients.

Consumers unquestionably desire experiences, and more and more businesses are responding by explicitly designing and promoting them.

And those companies that provide an experience for their clients or patients will exponentially increase their economic value. Commodity centered businesses that have an undifferentiated market position are forced to adhere to market pricing. (Read: LOW PRICES)

But, businesses that have a differentiated market position by staging experiences for their clients and patients, command premium pricing.

There are ONLY 3 Ways

Way #1

Forget that you ever read this message and go back to doing whatever it was you were doing before.

"If you always do what you always did, you will always get what you always got".

But if you want to increase your income, put your business on auto-pilot and reduce your stress, that leaves you with two more ways.

Way #2

is to try to figure it out on your own. You can scour the Internet for hours, watch YouTube videos until your eyes glaze over, read blog after blog, and try to separate the charlatans and bamboozelers from the infidels, rapscallions and swindlers.

The trial and error method can be slow, painful, and expensive.

If you are willing to work hard and spend 100’s of hours on this, you might be able to pull it off.

Way #3

Since you're reading this, my guess is you want to see results in your bank account quickly with minimal time and effort.

Let me do the heavy lifting for you.

As Ben Settle said "he is by far the single best resource for learning how to merge customer service with direct response marketing to exponentially ratchet up sales I've ever heard".

Of these three options, what’s going to be easier for you?

You see there are 2 different kinds of people in this world

  1. Those who only dream about achieving their financial goals without taking any action to make it happen.
  2. And those that are ready to take action when the opportunity presents itself.

Only you can decide….

It's for that reason I'm inviting you to:

Get your very own Systematic Magic Blueprint™:

I have had clients purchase this program for $7,000.00. Of course, that included 3 days at Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida. But since you don’t need to go to Orlando to get it, you are not going to pay that.

An investment in yourself may very well be the most profitable investment you will ever make. … The effort you put into consistently investing in yourself will also play a large role in determining the quality of your life now and in the future.

Jim Rohn

Here’s What You Get:

My exact system I used to create profits and systems for Disney, for my clients AND in my own business.

This toolkit includes:


Magic Key #1: The WOW Factor

  • You will create your own personal system for wowing clients every day all of the time. This in turn will generate $1,000’s in free publicity, word of mouth and referrals.
  • My exact system for generating an additional $65,000 with a $4 investment.
  • How to create experiences out of the mundane. The easy and inexpensive way to get your employees performing their roles so as to WOW your clients EVERY time.
  • This ONE thing will set you apart from your competition, and I guarantee your competition is not doing it. Your competitors are too lazy, too stupid or too broke to do this (I know mine are).
  • The 5:10 rule that will drive clients into your arms

Magic Key #2: Details Details Details

  • The effortless Disney system that generates 5 Star reviews and tons of free marketing on auto pilot.
  • You will create your own good show / bad show walkthrough to ensure your “show” is ready for clients every time.
  • Increase your client loyalty 3x by paying attention to these details and reward your employees for doing it.
  • Create your very own “Client Compass” to lead you to the perfect client every time!
  • Break the chains of being a commodity by providing a Ferrari experience, not a Ford.

Magic Key #3: Employee Magic

  • Top secret documents from my decade at Disney, that are not available to the public, for training and onboarding new employees.
  • I reveal Disney’s hiring process that attracts the “perfect” employee 99% of the time and how to implement it in your business. Reduce turn over and bad hires with this simple system.
  • Discover new places to recruit your ideal employee.
  • Using my simple template, create an employee onboarding process that will engage and energize new employees and compel them to stay with you.
  • Super Bonus: You get the exact questions Disney uses in every interview to hire successfully.

Magic Key #4: Service Standards

  • Out perform your competitors 3:1 by creating your personal Service Theme. This is a promise to your clients and a purpose for your employees.
  • Get your valuable time back and simplify your business life with the 4 standards Disney uses to operate its kingdom.
  • Generate more income (and profit) by implementing my Anticipatory Service System.

Magic Key #5: Environment

  • Increase your profits and your star ratings (Google, Yelp, etc) with my blueprint for an environment for sales and service.
  • Generate at least 10% in additional sales by orchestrating your setting.
  • Remove all barriers to sales and service with this quick tool.

Magic Key #6: Process

  • Create your “Perfect Client / Patient Experience” with my easy to use Service Flow Map.
  • The sneaky, easy little trick to getting your employees to eliminate mediocre service and create excellent experiences.
  • Get even MORE of your valuable time back and really simplify your business life with the 3 word template Disney uses every day to keep 85,000 employees working together.

Magic Key #7: the Magic of Bringing It All Together

  • Increase your sales and profits with my time tested formula
    [QEE+QCE+QBP] x DRM = PF




But wait there’s more...


BONUS #1 Profitable Service Recovery

Hey, everyone makes mistakes from time to time. In this strategy packed blueprint, discover how Disney recovers from its’ mistakes and blunders AND profits from them. Create a system that empowers your front line employees to take care of customer/guest issues and turn them into raving fans, without going broke.

VALUE $297.00

BONUS #2 Compelling Powerful Offer Generator

10 step Powerful Offer Generator that will explode your sales.

  • 11 Reasons Why Your Prospects Don't Buy, and How To Overcome Them
  • 5 Ways To Compel Your Prospect to Take Action
  • 6 Mission Critical Components of a powerful Compelling Offer
  • 4 Questions Your Target Market Asks About Your Product or Service and How To Answer Them For Maximum Sales.
  • 6 Most Powerful Types Of Offers.

VALUE $197.00

BONUS #3 Newsletter Blueprint

Create a steel cage around your clients: Your HERD Is The Most Important Asset You have…And This Is How You Round ‘Em Up And Keep ‘Em.

VALUE $197.00

BONUS #1 Profitable Service Recovery:

Hey, everyone makes mistakes from time to time. In this strategy packed blueprint, discover how Disney recovers from its’ mistakes and blunders AND profits from them. Create a system that empowers your front line employees to take care of customer/guest issues and turn them into raving fans, without going broke.

VALUE $297.00

BONUS #2 Compelling Powerful Offer Generator:

10 step Powerful Offer Generator that will explode your sales.

  • 11 Reasons Why Your Prospects Don't Buy, and How To Overcome Them
  • 5 Ways To Compel Your Prospect to Take Action
  • 6 Mission Critical Components of a powerful Compelling Offer
  • 4 Questions Your Target Market Asks About Your Product or Service and How To Answer Them For Maximum Sales.
  • 6 Most Powerful Types Of Offers.

VALUE $197.00

BONUS #3 Newsletter Blueprint:

Create a steel cage around your clients: Your HERD Is The Most Important Asset You have…And This Is How You Round ‘Em Up And Keep ‘Em.

VALUE $197.00

“Successful people invest in themselves”.

Jim Rohn

BONUS #4 Service Manifesto Template:

This Is The “Secret Sauce” To Keeping Customers For LIFE. This is your bible. Your 10 (or more) commandments written in stone. This manual will be your GO-TO resource for your employees to create magical experiences every day.

VALUE $397.00

BONUS #5 The Disney “Tips For Talkers” program:

Disneyland’s exact program to correctly and effectively talk to guests. From the basics of your vocal anatomy to scripting, this program gives you and your employees the unfair advantage over your competitors.

VALUE $297.00

BONUS #6 Exclusive private Facebook Group

where you can post questions, problems and success stories and become a part of our profitable community of service and marketing experts. Get expert advice from me and the community.

BONUS #4 Service Manifesto Template

This Is The “Secret Sauce” To Keeping Customers For LIFE. This is your bible. Your 10 (or more) commandments written in stone. This manual will be your GO-TO resource for your employees to create magical experiences every day.

VALUE $397.00

BONUS #5 The Disney “Tips For Talkers” program:

Disneyland’s exact program to correctly and effectively talk to guests. From the basics of your vocal anatomy to scripting, this program gives you and your employees the unfair advantage over your competitors.

VALUE $297.00

BONUS #6 Exclusive private Facebook Group

where you can post questions, problems and success stories and become a part of our profitable community of service and marketing experts. Get expert advice from me and the community.

Total Value: 



But you get it today for just 



Aren’t Sure…Or Are Skeptical? Then Try Out
Systematic MagicOn My Dime!


Here’s the deal: the principles taught in Systematic Magic are SO important, I’m going to let you check it out and implement it in your business for a FULL 12 months.

Your First Guarantee: You have 2 full months to examine everything, use what you wish, and if for any reason or even no reason at all, you want a full refund, just return everything and you’ll get your money back immediately. NO questions asked. You do not need a “my dog ate my homework” story. No questions, no hassle, no fine print. Incidentally, we are devoted to helping small businesses, and working with satisfied customers. If you are not going to profit from the course, we would prefer to buy it back.

Your Second Guarantee: If you keep the course after two months, we will ride along with you for another 10 months and if, after a full year, you can show us proof that you have used at least one strategy, and If you don’t see a boost in your lifetime customer value, customer retention, and overall profits, then call our Concierge and request an immediate refund.

No worries. No hassles. You profit from this system or you don’t have to pay. It’s as simple as that.

But, if you’re like people who have benefited immediately from Systematic Magic, then I know this one’s going to be a keeper for you.
That means you can try this course on my dime. No hassles, and no fuss.

Yes Vance. I Want To Discover How To Implement
Systematic Magic
In My Business And KEEP My Customers For Life.

I realize that, when I take action on what you teach in this course, I’ll be able to turn my customers into my raving fans who’ll give me money over and over again…at will!

I also know you’re unveiling these service and marketing secrets for the first time EVER—after 30 years in business. So this is RARE material that could put my business over the top!

I also know that I have a full YEAR to use Systematic Magic—and witness the jolt in profits I’ll experience as a result. And I know I can always return it for a FULL REFUND for any reason at all.

I also know that I’ll get all the bonuses to put more money in my bank account faster than any other business tool. 

So with all this in mind…I’m IN! Please ship me my copy of Systematic Magic so I can start serving my customers in a way they’ll bond with me…and keep giving me money.

P.S. Fair Warning. You can try to “go at it alone” and do this yourself. But I have 30 years of service and marketing experience under my belt and KNOW there’s a certain formula…or “way”…you have to do this. Because if you screw this up, you could totally REPEL customers…leaving you at square one. Not good! So do yourself a favor: get Systematic Magic today.

“The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing”

Walt Disney

“Remember, you won’t profit unless you implement”

Vance Morris