I hate text messaging. Hate it, hate it, hate it. I also hate Facebook, but I begrudgingly use it.
I used to be, that the only way for your opinion to be broadcast to a large audience was through the “Letters To The Editor” section of the newspaper.
99% of these letters were well thought out and carefully written. They were civil. They got their point across, but they were civil.
Now, with texting and Flakebook, any spineless idiot can write anything they want, WITHOUT thoughtfulness. With carelessness.
And they are spineless, like a jellyfish. Texting and posting are impulsive. No thought necessary. And it is one-direction. No chance to see the other persons face (reaction), hear voice inflection, or to have a conversation.
Rude people interrupting lives sending group texts with inane pictures of their kid with blueberries on their face. Then the ensuing barrage of replies, “aw… so cute”
Case in point, a “friend” (name redacted to protect their spineless idiocy) sent a looooong 367 word text to “group of friends” complaining about how none of the neighborhood kids wanted to play with her kids any more. Blaming all the other kids for her children’s lack friendliness.
A very long, “oh woe is me” text.
There, she said her peace.
But would she have said what she said the same way if she were face to face with her friends in the group?
Is she scared at what the other moms might say? Does she not care?
Think about the word “no”.
Without context and voice inflection the word can come across as harsh. But in person or on the phone, you can hear how the person says it. Soft? Harsh? With tepidity?
The same can be said about your marketing.
Is it done with thought, or is it a random act?
Is it spineless? Do you stand for something?
Are you credible?
On 8/31 at 1100am EST, I will be holding a fre.e Minnie Mouster class showing you how to build your credibility and authority so that prospects and clients will be magnetically attracted to you. It will only be 30 minutes with no fluff.
And there will be no text reminders