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The time I met the President of the USA

I was in California at Disneyland, minding my own business waiting to get a 49 hotdog, when all of a sudden I was pushed aside by this ginormous mass of hulking muscle. The guys biceps were as big as my waist.

I noticed that when he barreled into my should, pushing me out of the way, that he had an earpiece and that he was part of a group of men who were pushing everyone out of the way.

I started to think that this hulk was a Secret Service agent clearing a path for the president to get through. So like the rest of the sunburned tourists, I stood there with my 49 hotdog and waited for the prez to walk by.

But instead of the president. I saw something much better.

Angelina Jolie (Maleficent)

At first, I was Grumpy like the dwarf… I do not like to be muscled around. More so, I did not like it because it was for Angelina. Although, if Angelina bumped into me, I would be like Happy the dwarf.

But Angelina is not the President, although I would vote for her. Why should I get pushed around for her just because she is a “celebrity”.

Once I got over my initial grumpiness, I realized that this happens all of the time in the real world. If you are just an average hotdog eating ‘Joe’ or ‘Josephine’, the chances are that you will be pushed aside and overlooked by the crowd in favor of the celebrity.

People will step aside to watch as the celebrity walks around in their protective bubble, and EVERYONE else is “just the crowd”.

Answer this question honestly: Are you getting pushed around by the Angelina Jolie’s of your industry? People that may not even have your expertise, ability or product, but who have the celebrity status that you lack?

Are your prospects, clients and referral sources watching the ‘celebrities’ in your industry and ignoring you just ’cause you are part of the crowd?

Are yo trying to make your way to the front of the crowd to get noticed, but keep getting pushed back because you are not a celebrity?

YOU need to become a CELEBRITY!


You can go about it the hard way if you like.

  1. Grow a butt the size of a Kardashian
  2. Change from Olympic medalist to candidate for California governor (Bruce Jenner)
  3. Or land the leading role in the next Star Wars or Mission Impossible movie.

I don’t recommend #1, none of my DSNi Cast Members are Olympic medalists, so #2 is out. I guess #3 is possible however improbable.

How, then, do you become a celebrity the easier way?

Publish a book


In the September Mouster Class for DSNi Inner Circle Cast Members, I will take you by the hand and show you how to go from being merely “in the crowd” to being the celebrity in your niche or industry

I will show you how to:

  • Pick your target market
  • Choose a compelling topic
  • Create a hot title
  • Write the book in 30 days or less
  • Format the book
  • Publish the book

But you are not a celebrity yet. Writing the book doesn’t do that.

Marketing the fact that you have a book is where the big money is. You will get 7 strategies to use to get your book out there and bringing in prospects like a well trained dog brings his master his slippers.

But don’t dilly dally, this months Mouster Class goes into the DSNi vault at midnight on 8/31/21. Get is here:


Remember, you won’t profit unless you implement,

Vance “Disney Guy” Morris

#customerservice #customerexperience #smallbusiness #clientexperience #entrepreneur #patientexperience

Like What You Have Learned So Far?


Author of the book

Systematic Magic,  7 Magic Keys to Disnify Any Business

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