Attention Professionals:

Are Your Clients Leaving You?

Worse... Are Your Clients Leaving You 

and You Don't Even Know it?

First... A few questions...

  • Does You Database Marketing Need Help?
  • Are Your Customers Not Returning As Frequently As You’d Like?
  • Can You Count the Number of Referrals You Get on One Hand?
  • Would You Like to Substantially Increase Your Repeat Business?
  • Are You Searching for More Profits and Customers for Life?

If you answered a sheepish “YES” to even ONE of these questions then this is for you.

      If you’re in business to sell your services and products, you MUST be in regular and frequent contact with your current customers, clients, and prospects.

      This is known as "Building Your Titanium Cage (others call is a fence or curtain)."

    Your cage is designed to keep your clients and patients "IN" and the rabid competition who are insistently trying to poach your herd "OUT"!

    In the book, No B.S. Direct Marketing, author and marketing genius Dan Kennedy says:
"My single biggest recommendation is the use of a monthly customer newsletter. Nothing, and I mean nothing, maintains your fence better."

    If you're a typical business owner, you've probably invested a great deal of time, money and energy growing your business. Knowing that it costs five times more to attract new customers than it does to keep (and sell more to) current ones, I have a question for you:

Why has it been months (or longer) since your 

customers have heard from you?

    Simply put, not being in frequent contact with your customers is killing your business!

    Oh sure I can hear the grumbles now… “but Vance, it’s so hard to know how to keep in contact with my client every month… and besides won’t they get sick and tired of hearing from me?

    The truth is “yes” you certainly will irritate your clients and set yourself up for a boat load of frustration in the process if your communication is not done in the right way and does not provide value to the recipient.

    But I can also promise you that the answer is a categorical NO when you do things right, provide something of value that is welcomed and follow my advice.



Why do I consider newsletters “magic”?

    Well the truth is newsletters are not perceived in the same manner as a postcard, a flyer or other forms of direct mail marketing. When people receive these or anything else that has a sales and marketing feel to it, their guard goes up and they think, “Uh-oh. What are they trying to sell me?”

    Newsletters work well because they tend to be read as informational, making them more welcomed when they are received. As such they have higher readership than other forms of advertising.

    People also tend to be more receptive to what you have to say in your newsletter because newsletters aren’t meant to be sales tools. Rather, they are designed to be a resource.

    In one of his No B.S. Marketing Letters, Dan Kennedy put it this way,

People are conditioned to be less resistant to reading information, such as articles,

than they are advertising.”

    Since people are conditioned to be less resistant to reading information, which is exactly what a newsletter should be, most people read a newsletter with their guards down. This is a HUGE marketing advantage. When your customers’ guard is down, they are open and receptive to what you have to say!

    A customer newsletter is the strongest marketing and business building tool available - bar none.

    That is the magic of why newsletters are such an effective marketing tool - people don’t realize they’re actually reading something that’s going to cause them to buy from you more often . . . if the newsletter is done correctly (and that’s the BIG caveat here.)

    Now I want to share with you some newsletter secrets.

    You see, there are many, many proven effects newsletters can have on a business but the trouble is those who know these secrets and use newsletter to build huge profits in their business often don’t want to share this information.

    You can hardly blame them, why should they give away the keys to the castle especially if their competition has a chance of learning their secrets.

But since you and I are kindred spirits and share a common bond.

I have no fear in revealing these

secrets to you.

I didn’t believe it either. But adding a hard copy newsletter to my business was the best thing I ever did. It increased my credibility, visibility, and profitability virtually overnight. If you don’t have a newsletter, you’re making a huge mistake by missing the opportunity to develop a deeper relationship with your prospects and clients for maximum profitability”

Nick Nanton
Celebrity Lawyer & Best-selling Author of “Celebrity Branding You”

The 7 Proven Ways Newsletters Will Help Your Business Grow

Way # 1: Newsletters Help Keep Customers

Your current customers hold the best prospect for future growth. Plus, the longer they are customers, the more they are likely to spend with you.

A monthly company newsletter helps you stay top-of-mind with your current customers. When your newsletter arrives, your customers start to think about you. Issue after issue, your newsletter reinforces your relationship with your customers and gives you a way to tell them about products and services they may not know about.

Way # 2: Newsletters Help Get New Customers

You want your newsletter to help you get new customers. Informative articles give your newsletter what marketing pros call “pass-along value.” Your newsletter makes it easy to pass on the information.

Because people read newsletters as a publication and not a marketing piece, a newsletter is a great way to tell potential customers about you and your business ideals without boring them to death.

Way # 3: Newsletters Help Build Credibility

When people read your brochure, they treat it as a piece of marketing literature. But when they read your newsletter, they read it like a publication

Your newsletter also gives you the opportunity to tell people success stories about what you do and how well your products work. You can illustrate the benefits of your product or service with statistics and customer testimonials.

Credibility is a huge benefit of a monthly printed newsletter

Way #4: Newsletters Help You Stand Out from Your Competition

Since you decide the direction and content of each newsletter, you can differentiate yourself from others - especially the larger businesses who typically do not produce customer newsletters

Way # 5: Newsletters Enhance Your Reputation

Your customers may not be ready or need your product or service today, but when they are, they want an experienced professional. People want to do business with someone they know, like, and trust, so when they are ready for what you offer, they’ll turn to you.

Way # 6: Newsletters Help You Build Your Brand

Branding is the art of making people aware of who you are, what you do, and how you’re different from and better than the competition

You want to have a little bell go off in people’s heads when they hear your name. You want them to say, “Oh yes, they’re the people who . . .”

Way # 7: Newsletters Have a Longer Shelf Life than Other Types of Marketing

Newsletters are portable; they go everywhere. Newsletters that are informative, fun, and easy to read are not thrown away. People pass along newsletters to friends, business associates, or even their neighbor. This is a huge benefit of producing a newsletter.

Let's face it, every business or service has become a commodity. And the only thing that now separates businesses is the experience they provide their customers / clients or patients.

Consumers unquestionably desire experiences, and more and more businesses are responding by explicitly designing and promoting them.

And those companies that provide an experience for their clients or patients will exponentially increase their economic value. Commodity centered businesses that have an undifferentiated market position are forced to adhere to market pricing. (Read: LOW PRICES)

But, businesses that have a differentiated market position by staging experiences for their clients and patients, command premium pricing.

Get your very own Ultimate Newsletter Blueprint™:

I have had clients purchase this program for $497.00. Of course, that included a full afternoon with me personally guiding them and answering questions.

 But since you don’t get me all to yourself in a room or an afternoon, you are not going to pay that.

An investment in yourself may very well be the most profitable investment you will ever make. … The effort you put into consistently investing in yourself will also play a large role in determining the quality of your life now and in the future.

Jim Rohn

Here’s What You Get:

This toolkit includes:

Both digital access on our portal (so you can start right away) and a physical binder with transcripts, DVD and workbook.

7 Guidelines You Must Follow If You Want Your Writing To Get Read

  • #1 – (obvious, but important) Write stuff your readers want to read. Put yourself in your reader's shoes and think, “would I be interested in this?”
  • #2 - Get to the point quickly.  News reporters use what's called the "inverted pyramid" to tell the story. In other words, they put the most important and most interesting stuff first, then fill out the details later on. That's how they manage to grab a busy reader.
  • #3 - Cut out unnecessary words.
    Take another tip from news writing, where there's no space wasted on words that don't earn their keep. Use the right word in the right place and delete any that aren't pulling their weight. You'll make your writing much snappier, easier to read and more engaging.
  • #4 - Spend a lot of time on your headline. It's your headline that sells the article underneath, so don't rush writing it.

Make sure your headline gives people a reason to read. If your article is there to help the reader, use the headline to telegraph how it helps. If you are writing about something unusual or fascinating, put this tidbit of information out there in the headline.

Choose words that arouse interest, that make people say, 

"I've got to read that”

  • #5 - Break your text up with subheads.

A page full of text is intimidating. So break it up into sections, with each section having its own mini-headline. If you think about the structure of your sections carefully, you'll be able to tell the story of the article with the subheads alone, giving busy readers an overview of the content in a few seconds.

  • #6 - Use bullets and sidebars or panels.

An article doesn't have to be just linear text. If some aspects of the article stand alone, pull them out and put them in a panel. If something is better presented in list form (like this article), then use bullets or a numbered list.

  • #7 - Write like you speak.

Don't think you need to write formally once you commit finger to keyboard. Use the kind of language you'd use when talking to a friend and don't be afraid to break rules of grammar if these rules get in the way of clarity (which they sometimes do).

How to Make Writing Your Newsletter a Whole Lot Easier

For many people, writing a newsletter is somewhere down there with washing the car, clearing out the eves troughs and dealing with hemorrhoids...

A right royal pain in the butt.

The thing is you can't see it like that if you are going to continue with your newsletter for the long term.

So... it's a good idea to make writing your newsletter a little less of a chore.

Real World Newsletter Examples that work!

  • If a carpet cleaner can do it, so can you
  • My "big-assed" card newsletter. The largest flat allowable by the USPS. 
  • My DSNi newsletter that consistently brings in a 900:1 ROI
  • My carpet cleaning newsletter that consistently brings in an 11:1 ROI

How to use your family in your newsletter

  • This killer strategy is worth the price of admission
  • I will show you how the use of your personal life in your newsletter will keep your clients for LIFE!

Fill in the blanks template blueprint

  • How to get and use free images
  • How to Avoid Sending People to Sleep with Your Newsletter.
  • When and where to use puzzles and games.
  • How to deploy engagement devices that will captivate your readers.

My personal resources for writing, printing and distribution

  • Low-no cost article services: Never be at a loss for content
  • My personal printer and distributor who can get your newsletter out the door for under a buck; FULL COLOR!

How to create offers that work (that don't sound like offers)

  • Copy writing tips, tricks and hacks that will have your clients calling to do more business with you 




“Successful people invest in themselves”.

Jim Rohn

But you get it today for just 




Here’s the deal: the principles taught in Systematic Magic are SO important, I’m going to let you check it out and implement it in your business for a FULL 12 months.

Your First Guarantee: You have 2 full months to examine everything, use what you wish, and if for any reason or even no reason at all, you want a full refund, just return everything and you’ll get your money back immediately. NO questions asked. You do not need a “my dog ate my homework” story. No questions, no hassle, no fine print. Incidentally, we are devoted to helping small businesses, and working with satisfied customers. If you are not going to profit from the course, we would prefer to buy it back.

Your Second Guarantee: If you keep the course after two months, we will ride along with you for another 10 months and if, after a full year, you can show us proof that you have used at least one strategy, and If you don’t see a boost in your lifetime customer value, customer retention, and overall profits, then call our Concierge and request an immediate refund.

No worries. No hassles. You profit from this system or you don’t have to pay. It’s as simple as that.

But, if you’re like people who have benefited immediately from newsletter, then I know this one’s going to be a keeper for you.
That means you can try this course on my dime. No hassles, and no fuss.

Yes Vance. I Want To Discover How To Implement
The Ultimate Newsletter
In My Business And KEEP My Customers For Life.

“The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing”

Walt Disney

“Remember, you won’t profit unless you implement”

Vance Morris