Brand New Book Reveals

The Strategies Revealed In This Book Are Taken Right From My Time As a Disney Leader.
Transform Ordinary Businesses Into Service and Profit POWERHOUSES!
If you get a chance to learn from Vance, I would highly reccommend it.
It has changed my business as well as many of my clients.
Ben Poswalk, Success Coach
From the Desk Of Vance Morris
The Eastern Shore of Maryland
Dear Friend,
If you serve clients / customers / patients either as a home service provider (Plumber, Carpet Cleaner, Pest Control, Housekeeping) or serve them in your office and would like to exponentially increase your sales, and have your prospects clamoring over hot coals just to be your client, then this will be the most important book you’ll ever read.
3 Scary facts and a dangerous warning
Imagine, if you will, commanding prices 2x, 5x, 7x or even 10x your closest competitor and your clients ecstatically, cheerfully and willingly giving you money and don’t even think twice about it. Price resistance is eliminated.
Have you ever been to Disney? If so you will immediately relate to this story. If not (what the heck are you waiting for?!), it will paint a perfect picture for you. In the Animal Kingdom Park, the cast members who sell the trinkets, clothes and merchandise are trained to engage the park guests in “play”. The guy selling the giant inflatable balls for $79.00 (which can be purchased at Wal-Mart for about 5 bucks) will bounce the ball to you as you walk by. You of course bounce it back. The guy then bounces it to one of your kids, who bounces it to a sister, back to the guy, finally somehow the ball mysteriously ends up in your hands and the guy just whacked your credit card for the 79 bucks. What? Huh?
Imagine, if you will, your clients or patients becoming your all-powerful marketing force, creating such buzz and excitement that you can actually pick, choose and approve your clients before you ever meet them.
The main job of any advertising or marketing piece is to attract clients and prospects to your business, right? Well, not exactly. You want your marketing to attract your perfect client and compel them to take an action (like coming in for a consultation or calling to order your product). But you also want your marketing to sift, sort and screen out those who are not desirable prospects. Your marketing must REPEL those who would make a poor client. Those that would nickel and dime you, complain about price, or not have the financial where-with-all to even pay. Why would you waste your precious time even entertaining the thought of working with them?
Imagine, if you will, being the one business in your city or town whose legendary service is raved about like a 10 year old just returning from Walt Disney World. Imagine, if you could generate “walk-on-burning-coals” client loyalty like Disney does. Imagine, if you will, clients and patients who look forward to seeing you and are delighted every step of the way through your service who will stay with you for a LIFETIME.
In a Harvard Business Review Article on customer loyalty, the authors presented evidence showing that satisfied customers (on a scale or 1-5) who only score the business a four are six times more likely to defect than a customer who scores a five. To put it another way, there is a six-fold increase in customer loyalty between the fours and fives. Disney does not present guest satisfaction scores to its cast members; it only shares the percentage of guests who rate it a five. You see, Disney does not measure satisfaction, it measures loyalty. Loyalty is the only fortification and safeguard any business has when up against the competition who want to steal your hard earned clients.
The Dangerous Warning
Are you merely just trying to blindly imitate your closest competitor and improving your service inch by painful inch? There is a danger here that needs to be realized. Most businesses, when they are creating a service and marketing plan, merely look to others in their industry who have the illusion of being successful and then copying them with slight tweaks and improvements. This incestuous behavior leads all who entertain it to a life of mediocrity and low bank accounts.
In order to attain real wealth and explosive profitability through Disney Style Service and direct response marketing you must be willing and able to completely overhaul your processes of client acquisition, service and retention.
This stuff WORKS!
As you may know, I am an Entrepreneur just like you. I own and operate a Carpet Cleaning Franchise. I have owned this built-from-scratch business since 2007 (what a year to start a business, what with the economy imploding!). I have fought, slugged and groveled for more clients using old methods of coupons and discounts. What did that get me? Coupon-clipping-discount-seeking-cheapo’s.
I have cleaned my share of run down houses in questionable neighborhoods, and while they deserve clean carpet, I did not want to be the one cleaning it. These folks were not going to make me rich.
Now don’t get me wrong, I was managing to make a meager living, but I felt like an employee in my business, not a true owner. And I certainly was not getting rich. I needed to change SOMETHING!
Then one day, as I was driving my cleaning van home, I thought to myself, “Self, you spent 10 years as a leader for the Walt Disney Company. Not only do you have a HUGE service background and gobs of knowledge about clients, guests and customers, but you also have the marketing skills to sell at the highest prices in the world.”
Think about it! Where else in the world can you buy a rubber ball for $79 bucks?! (That you can get at Wal-mart for $4.99). And you know what? You are HAPPY to pay that price! Heck, it is probably the cheapest thing you will buy there.
Back to my thought “Self, you should be getting Disney level prices for your service.” That day I went home and raised my prices 10%. I didn’t change anything else, just raised my prices.
You know what? I never heard a peep from my clients and prospects about my prices. They HAPPILY paid because I was already delivering Disney Style Service and a huge value. That was in 2010.
Then I began to think to myself again “Self, if my clients and prospects are paying these prices, I bet they will pay even more for increased service and value.” And I was right! In 2011, I did another 10% increase while adding some value added services and packaging. I have repeated this process every year since then. My best clients and prospects stayed with me and paid because of the level of loyalty my service created.
I used the exact systems and templates that I used in building the Disney Restaurant Experiences within my Carpet & Oriental Rug cleaning business.

And now I am revealing them to you
Here’s A Peek of What You’ll Discover When You Open “Systematic Magic” To Uncover How Disney Creates the Magic Everyday. And How You Can Too.
(Look, if a carpet cleaner can do it, you can)
Here is Just A Small Sample of the Customer Experience Secrets That I Reveal in “Systematic Magic”. Previously, these Secrets Were Only known To A Select Group of Businesses Personally Trained by Me
Profitable Service Recovery Strategies: What to do when the pixie dust runs out. (Page 65)
My System for creating a Memorable and Profitable customer / client experience. (Page 70)
Creating an Experience Out of the Mundane. (Page 48)
The Powerful Secret that Disney Uses to Communicate their Mission to over 85,000 cast members (employees). (Page 26)
Blueprint for Creating Lasting Systems that Your Employees Actually Want to Follow. (Page 141)
Define a Clear Message to Your Ideal Prospects with Direct response Marketing. (Page 120)
“Systematic Magic” Makes Disnifying Your Business Easier than You Have Ever Imagined
Listen, if you already own a business, or are an entrepreneur you are a special person.
I respect you for putting yourself out there in a way that most business people would never dare and I want to help you get the most impactful results you can from everything you do.
Because when you fail to deliver service that converts at the highest level possible, you’re not only doing yourself a disservice, you’re also doing your prospects a disservice because they’ll walk away without taking action.
Meaning they can’t experience the benefits your product or service will give them.
Now that’s tragic.
But it doesn’t have to be…
“Systematic Magic” will be a game-changer for you, regardless of what you’re selling or who you’re selling to.
It rewrites the rules of the game – changing your positioning from just another person pitching their product or service to a highly respected Expert Advisor.
This book hands you on a silver platter a precise, easy to use step-by-step SYSTEM for doing group-sales presentations that will double, triple, even quadruple your conversions.
Here’s What To Do Next
Systematic Magic retails for $19.97, but we bought 1,000 copies to give away. You are not paying anything for the book. We just ask that you pay $7.49 shipping and handling, so that we can gift this book to as many entrepreneurs around the world as possible!
As soon as you place your order, you’ll receive an email receipt and my team will mail a physical copy to you.
I can’t wait to hear about your newfound success.
Best Regards,
Vance Morris